ins outs ups downs
nothing but the source
For: dance floor contest
nothing but the source
For: dance floor contest
nothing but the source
nothing but the source
For: old barn contest
nothing but the source
For: wild tree contest
For: three ladies contest
nothing but the source
For: wine branch contest
nothing but the memory
Old PST entry from the visible source that fits this theme. Nothing but the source. Thanks for image Clix Lyrics There was a little railroad train with loads and loads of toys, all starting out to find a home with little girls and boys. And as that little railroad train began to move...
created with standard brushes in photoshop...painted all elements on separate layers.
For: folk art contest
Thanks missy, tapiona and sxc for images...Image was reworked to enlarge the subjects and mute the color for a vintage look.
For: tree fear contest
nothing but the source
For: amish chair contest
to all.
For: fan penguins contest
nothing but the source
For: lips contest
nothing but the source Smoke created with the help of these brushes:
For: lips contest
paths, colorfills and warping
For: snowflake contest
brushes, smudging and a couple blurs
For: fish contest
Old PST entry, nothing but the source.
nothing but the source Smoke created with the help of these brushes:
For: globe contest