69 comments given:
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

I love Lucy

(5 years and 1445 days ago)

Board Meetings got interesting now that Coconut Hubcap Lucy was in Charge
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:


(5 years and 1456 days ago)

Worn down observatory
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

You're a trip. You should donate your brain to science. What a crazy imagination. Or, is it madness? hehe

(5 years and 1456 days ago)

The Summer that Never Was
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Let your fingers do the walking as they say. Kudos for thinking outside the box.

(5 years and 1463 days ago)

Stairs to Knowledge
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

You could use a timer. hehe

Does that person know you took that picture?

(5 years and 1466 days ago)

avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Selfie? hehe

(5 years and 1466 days ago)

avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

WOW! Kudos for most excellent photo realism. Looks like an actual photograph for real! Old school photochopping. I love it!
LOL @ 48 % dolphin free. I just saw that. hehe

(5 years and 1475 days ago)

Fresh Organic and Wild Caught
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

I like the way you need no sources. That's that way to travel. Well done.

(5 years and 1483 days ago)

Sport Mutant Sea Burtles  PLAY BALL!!!
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Most entertaining. I am starting to recognize yours before I vote. Sometimes I'm fooled but not this time. What a fun interpretation. And they look so happy. hehe Good job!

(5 years and 1483 days ago)

The Aqua Throat Ballet Company
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Oh, man, now I want to change the score I gave this one, and score it higher. Is that possible?

(5 years and 1499 days ago)

Stepping Out in Light House Boots Now with Fashion Photobomber and Wings
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Wow, you are fast. I'm still trying to think of an idea.

(5 years and 1503 days ago)

Stepping Out in Light House Boots Now with Fashion Photobomber and Wings
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Well done !

(5 years and 1505 days ago)

A Boy
avatar TerryLea
TerryLea says:

Is that a self portrait?

(5 years and 1505 days ago)

Hipster Combo Casual