50 comments given:
no avatar

very good work on everything, really ! just the hair is a bit extreme for me, deserved 3rd !

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

deserved 4th, i like the colors of the outcome a lot !

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

beauty pageant_4a463f74304d7
no avatar

her hair on he left looks cutted off, and.. did you draw this? i wouldve really loved to see a SBS on this one.. congrats on 2nd

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

too bad i couldnt give you my vote, contest closed 2 hours earlier than I expected.. I'm glad you still won, because this one is by far the best entry! I wouldve kept her lips and teeth like it was in the original though, but thats just a little detail

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

The power of photoshop
no avatar

i like sparkle in her eyes a lot, the wrinkle retouching was nice, but its too blurred now i think

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

How old is she NOW ?
no avatar

nice detail with the reflection of your room, also ththe eyes are very nice and rest as well, but too colorful for me and i liked the blue blouse more

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Girl in frame
no avatar

wow i like it.. maybe some more texture on the skin wouldve been great, and her eyebrows looked better before, but else really pretty!

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Look Into My Eyes
no avatar

wow that looks really nice in the outcome, especially with the colors now

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

My Love
no avatar

looks nice, the teeth are a bit too white (compared to the eyeball for example), the one hair leading to the mouth disappears in between

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Natural beauty
no avatar

nice work, though the skin is a bit too bright, looks ghosty

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

mouth and nose look really awesome, eyebrows are also better, overall really good job!

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Pretty  Eyes
no avatar

wow really nice work here ! might be too bright at parts and too blurred skin which lowers the naturality a lot, but still one of the best entries

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

nice look, the colors look a bit weird though, but good job for adding colors to a black-white picture

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

From Beauty to BEAUTY
no avatar

weird shot, made me laugh for a second, her skin is pretty flat now, more lights and shadows wouldve benn better

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

fairy girl!
no avatar

the nose is a little bit too slim for me, very nice eyes and change of colors

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

she still has this weird expression on her lips, really nice work on the makeup and cleaning of skin

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Clean Face
no avatar

cute in the beginning, hot in the result, though less red on the lips and less green on the eyes wouldve made this one even better

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

True Model
no avatar

the background looks awkward, you did a good natural job on herself though!

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

hm, the added hair looks too fake, it couldve been looking pretty well with some more work

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

before and after
no avatar

nice cheeks, but i dont like the blurry skin, so i prefer the original

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Green eyes!
no avatar

nice change, some more work on her eyes with the liquify tool wouldve been great

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Radical Makeover
no avatar

nice wife i liked the original haircolor more, the makeup looks good

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Asian Beauty
no avatar

nice work, still looks natural

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

enhancement of beauty
no avatar

extreme change, maybe too much makeup, she looks like a barbie

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

maybe not 20 years, but good work

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

20 years younger
no avatar

whats that weird stuff behind her eyelashes, looks distracting, but you did a nice job, very effective work on the contrast and colours!

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

In Purple
no avatar

the chin looks very flat, good work on the rest though

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

the hair looks very fake, lots of distracting things.. and she looked so pretty before

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Lady rose
no avatar

the skin looks very flat now, the eyelashes are very blurred, with some more work of sharpness and skintexture this wouldve been a great entry i think

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

you couldve worked a bit on her skin, but its an improvement

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

i like it, especially the colors

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

the original still looks the best

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

make up
no avatar

i like the makeup, her nose looks weird now though

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

oh you made symmetry, thats why its look a bit weird. well, most faces look weird like this

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

nice comic look

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

wow that's radical, too bad theres no SBS

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

kind of looks weird

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Eye Catcher
no avatar

the original looks the best

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

before and after
no avatar

weird how the mouth suddenly doesnt fit anymore, but nice job on the wrinkles, the red dot it a bit too blurred i think

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

i like the original image more, the colors of lips and eyes are maybe too extreme for me in this one

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Model Make Over
no avatar

this looks pretty good, maybe you couldv given her an even happier expression

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

surely looks more female now, the chin is a bit blurry though, i like the dark on the outisdes of the picture

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Green eyed Beauty
no avatar

the teeth and lips are nice, but i think te face looks a bit flat now? some more highlights and shadows there wouldve ben great.

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Teenage Beauty
no avatar

the eyes look a bit weird now, the rest looks good

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Just a Touch
no avatar

i dont know why but now it looks like she is chewing something, makeup looks good, maybe a bit overdone

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Make Over
no avatar

the eyes are too green for me, but pretty nice use of liquify tool, still looks natural

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Before and after
no avatar

this is one of my favourites, its a lot better with some nice highlights and still pretty natural, only in the high-res image i found the skin too blurred compared to the rest in the face, maybe you should have added a pixelish style afterwards

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

no avatar

I think you did quite well with getting reid of the wrinkles

(5 years and 3896 days ago)

Old Vs New
no avatar

I liked the version after diffuse glow the most, still good job !

(5 years and 3896 days ago)
