73 comments given:
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

I like the DOF, well done

(5 years and 2849 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Spent so much time on that broken record and it didn't end up in the final render? Bummer...

(5 years and 2849 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Thought this was real...had to look real close to see what you had done...nuff said

(5 years and 2937 days ago)

Gerber Daisy TuTu
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

You have all the elements of a good piece here, they are just all crammed into the bottom right side. I would rethink your composition, look up the "rule of thirds". Its hard to see your meteor because its the same color as the planet and ring its near. The best thing about 3D is, its very easy to change your composition and re-render an image.

(5 years and 2943 days ago)

Incoming Meteor
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Your right, hands are challenging and i think you did a good job with the modeling and rigging of yours here. I like the pose and the texture isn't too bad either. I do agree however that the final render takes away from the modeling somehow. Cant tell if its the lighting or the background. Good luck regardless.

(5 years and 2943 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

I can tell the difference right away, you captured the grumpy. Nice addition with the Depth map and background. Well done.

(5 years and 2951 days ago)

Ugly Dude
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

great image!

(5 years and 2951 days ago)

True Love
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

You did a very good job keeping this model geometrically sound. Nice edge loops, good uvs and texture, character could be set up for blend shapes pretty easily. When i look at the reference with the result its pretty close. I think your model looks a bit happier than your reference

(5 years and 2952 days ago)

Ugly Dude
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Very well done.

(5 years and 2953 days ago)

Feeding Time
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Amazing chop best of luck

(5 years and 2953 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Your getting some distortion with the liquify brush. Maybe you were intending to due to intoxication.

(5 years and 2953 days ago)

After 8 Beers
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

I like this version more.

(5 years and 2953 days ago)

Morgan Le Fay
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Very nice concept and a great composition. Its hard to talk about realism in a contest like this but i think your loosing it with the blue background. I relate a blue sky to earth or an atmosphere of some sort. Space is black, and even when a nebula or galaxy is in a photo their light does not effect the rest of the photo or image. In my opinion you should tone down or rethink the blue. By the way your renders in the step by step look amazing, they remind me of the desert scenes in Star Wars.

(5 years and 2956 days ago)

Centauri Prime
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Fantastic Job!!!

(5 years and 2960 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Great work

(5 years and 2964 days ago)

The Daily
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

A step by step should be added here. Im assuming the "island" is the pillbox but how can we know?

(5 years and 2964 days ago)

A moment in love
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:


(5 years and 2974 days ago)

Angel Vs Devil
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

I didn't see what it looked like before but first thing I looked at was the shadows on the peoples faces in the background. Sun is on the left for that image. Your elephant image, is reversed, sun is on the right. Also, shadows tend to get darker as the object casting them gets closer to the ground, meaning the shadow of the child and the elephant's foot should be a little darker than the rest.

As everyone else has stated, you have the humor down easy, what im pointing out is mearly realism and continuity. Goodluck.

(5 years and 3156 days ago)

oh not! my candy
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Scale of the boy to the background seems a little off. Seems like he should be slightly smaller. Good idea for your entry, goodluck.

(5 years and 3156 days ago)

coconut easy to get from boy
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

this is awesome! great creativity.

(5 years and 3159 days ago)

in my dreams
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

If this is your first time modeling anything then , "bravo". You have some good basics already in the bag, NURBS modeling is powerful and being able to do both NURBS and POLY modeling together is great. 3d modeling opens up an entire new realm for you to create anything you can imagine. Enjoy it!

(5 years and 3172 days ago)

Dr. craPee
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Good correction on the perspective!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Ok i see the SBS, my bad for not seeing the other sources, other comments still stand though.

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

Prince of the Power of the Air
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Very original!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

really good idea to mix those two images. I think it can be done better though. Try to dodge the skull and horns around the edges like the bug is to match the photography style. Also the camera was focused only on a small area, so that means that anything out of that area would be slightly out of focus, your horns and skull are almost in perfect focus, so its not matching up. You still have 27 hours!!!

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

ant with horn
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Its a great movie moment, maybe one of the best...but TV moment?

(5 years and 3189 days ago)

and then it arrived
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

I like the one point of light seeping from his body, I would like to see that happening all over.

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Dig the idea, the perspective on the hard angles of the face are throwing me off.

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

I keep trying to figure out how i would make that stretched skin look thicker. Right now it seems paper thin. I cant think of a way, but i love the idea and the execution is as best as i can imagine at the moment....GL author.

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Detailed SBS and great outcome...GL

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

^^ agreed. The older version of the boy has the same neck. you gave him more bicep and shoulder, but he needs more neck, he looks like he is trying on his Dad's leather jacket.

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

bad boy
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

I would think the hair would have a more drastic color change with the years you have given him. Also the neck, nose and ears all need to be altered more to show the change in age, older guys get big noses, saggy ears and turkey necks. JMO

(5 years and 3192 days ago)

the makeup guy
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

This is looking great. I agree that the shadow of the man needs to be darker. Overall a nice creepy image. Love the description.

(5 years and 3193 days ago)

Evening Stroll
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Very cool image, I would try to match the lighting of the background image. Seems like the horns and the backs of the horses you used could use some more light from the top of the image, equally important would be shadows from that strong light...good start.

(5 years and 3193 days ago)

bulls from hell
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Seems as though there are other sources like the eyes and other bones. Might want to list those, interesting character. Try and blend it into the background photo more, he seems way too light for the light in the area...it would be way more creepy if you had to look at it twice to be sure it was fake...IMO

(5 years and 3193 days ago)

Prince of the Power of the Air
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

With the hairy chest its almost a mixture of The Hulk and The Beast. Nice job...

(5 years and 3193 days ago)

Am I fired?
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

nice chop and im sure lucky find with the guitar players body angle and the source image's neck angle...good job.

(5 years and 3193 days ago)

Passionate Note
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Excellent use of the source to pull of something soooo different and unique.

(5 years and 3198 days ago)

Little Circles of Life
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Fantastic, feels like it should be in the movie Alice in Wonderland.

(5 years and 3198 days ago)

Bug House
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Gives me something to look up too, great image. The mood this sets is great for the challenge.

(5 years and 3208 days ago)

Cyberpunk Warrior
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

great image, reminds me of an old game im sure no one will remember called Mist.

(5 years and 3210 days ago)

Farm In The Sky
avatar Titan85
Titan85 says:

Well done man, i really like how the brushes take this to a new level. I would have liked to see a little shadowing from the clouds maybe but its a great image. Goodluck!

(5 years and 3211 days ago)

Sunday Twister