
Cyclops child...Check.
For: ugly smile 2 contest
Cyclops child...Check.
For: ugly smile 2 contest
This particular reflection makes one look so much more...original.
For: ugly smile 2 contest
Been dragging this thing around since the Third Reich...
For: ww2 toolbox contest
No Souls? No Problem...
For: angel devil contest
Warrior demon.
For: angel devil contest
After some time in the gym, a good diet, and some therapy Super Woman got back on the pedestal.
For: super woman contest
Great song, literal translation
For: queen contest
Takes skill to put this sign up...In sign language this translates to "Monster" Lots of clone stamping, healing brushing, and source use. **Only provided source used**
This desert copperhead is right at home on this man's tongue.
For: tongue ring contest
An ATF agent drawing down on a criminal in the streets of LA.
Who wouldn't want to punch their worst enemy in the face???? (sources are my own pictures)
For: super strong contest
Photoshop magic.
For: smurfs contest
Photoshop painting, cloning and healing...
For: marble contest
Nasty little buggar! Common in the South Pacific.
For: sea monsters contest
Same Temple about 75 years ago.
For: temple contest
When held under a black light, Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper", shows three characters only known as P, X, and L. Historians and philosophers are working around the clock to explain the three uninvited guests. Thanks to http://breadsite.org
For: the eye 3 contest
Never watched the show or read any of the comics, the source just reminded me of seeing the "goku" character on commercials...
For: shout contest
We have all done it, its uncontrollable, painful, and sometimes embarrassing...
For: shout contest
No breaks, he wanted to, life is hard, its an empty car...you choose.
For: coast view contest
Amazing find, found this van, belonging to Banksy himself in London outside a popular pub. Seems as though he is not as secretive as we thought....or not.
For: van graffiti contest
extremely rare in the wild...clone stamp tool, paint brush, burn tool.
Aircraft making a counterstrike, on an afghan terror cell hideout...or not. paint brush, polygon selection tool, color correction.