381 comments given:
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I know it may look like it will take a long time but trust me it shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes. As to the entry it is a good idea but I would maybe add more images to it and make the PXL logo look a bit more like the PXL logo because so far it looks a bit distorted IMO. Good luck author!

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Desktop Collage
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Author: please provide the direct link to each image followed by the names of the authors of those images.. Providing links to the top entries is not enough.

(5 years and 2449 days ago)

Desktop Collage
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Nice a very ironic :P

(5 years and 3088 days ago)

Port cover
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Very cool Reminds me of that candy thing you eat at Christmas :P GJ

(5 years and 3091 days ago)

For girls with broken legs
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Wow it's like you took a picture with your microscope!

(5 years and 3093 days ago)

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I guess your right I wasnt even aware of a technique like this but to me it just seems pointless what you've done.. because it's just identical, but only because you used the actual photo as a texture, i think the whole theme in here is to yes, copy the image but using your own textures. Anyway well see if the mods have a problem with it either way good luck and sorry if i sounded like bitchy or something :P

(5 years and 3095 days ago)

more pencil and paper
avatar Toothpick134

I just looked at your sbs and it seems you did do the modeling but you sort of overlayed the original photograph onto your model.. and I'm not sure if thats allowed is it? I mean it sort of cheating isn't it?

(5 years and 3095 days ago)

more pencil and paper
avatar Toothpick134

I'm sorry to say this and I really am sorry if I'm wrong but, this to me after some revising of the both photographs looks fake.. meaning you took the original photo and just made a simple sbs..

(5 years and 3095 days ago)

more pencil and paper
avatar Toothpick134

Yeah.. wow I really like the effect Did you make it yourself or use a tutorial?

(5 years and 3170 days ago)

avatar Toothpick134

Great work author! You have a very unique style and I guessed that it would be you :P GL
IMO i would darken the bottom of the burger a bit or somehow soften it because it doesn't look like it's on the ground.. I mean it does look like it is a lot but it could even more I think :P Good luck

(5 years and 3170 days ago)

Industrial Farming
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very funny author

(5 years and 3181 days ago)

I Love Donuts
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Congrats mate

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

The Painters
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Congrats mate !

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

The Painters
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What a fab idea!

(5 years and 3188 days ago)

Bubble Baff
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wow even I'm starting to feels spooky Great Job!

(5 years and 3191 days ago)

Deadly innocence.
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haha You know.. It's good to hear you decided to spare your finger! GL

(5 years and 3194 days ago)

Wrong Answer
avatar Toothpick134

Agree with karaflazz..
Also it seems pretty obvious that you just rolled you finger in creating this effect.. (maybe you did it for intention I don't know) it just doesn't look that convincing to me..

Overall it still has an interesting feeling to it! Good Luck!

(5 years and 3194 days ago)

Wrong Answer
avatar Toothpick134

The door seems to fit well in the environment and is pretty believeable. However the girl looks really cut out and she has no light hitting her from anywhere.. I would expect some light to be comming from outside and therefore you should adjust the lighting and shadow... Gl

(5 years and 3195 days ago)

Mountain Road
avatar Toothpick134

Wow... What a render...

(5 years and 3196 days ago)

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Wow! Great render! Specially on the bottle... Anyway I'm not sure about the cloth though.. It appears transparent or something like that and it sort of ruins the great concept for me personally.. I don't know if it's just the material you used or something else.. This is just my opinion anyway.. it's still a fab render !

(5 years and 3224 days ago)

Little & Red
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Nice hobby I mean really nice hobby

(5 years and 3231 days ago)

Just Sad
avatar Toothpick134

Another thing I noticed.. In your sources list you put (desert) thanks to night_fate
However it's actually night_fate_stock I think you didn't have enough space to type all that in and when you did try to type in .._stock it din't fit. I would suggest putting the credits in the description or just delete the "(desert) and just put thanks to night... or just night......on its own... GL

(5 years and 3243 days ago)

glass hour
avatar Toothpick134

Good attempt! I'm not sure if this is intentional but the man inside the glass is not proportional to the warrior.. Meaning he is like a hobbit IMO
The lighting seems correct However at the bottom of the glass there seems to be an almost too dark area. Maybe decrease the opacity a bit to try to blend it with the rest of the shadow coming from the glass.


(5 years and 3243 days ago)

glass hour
avatar Toothpick134

Uhhhh WOW!!!!!!! it's amazing

(5 years and 3252 days ago)

avatar Toothpick134

This is really nice!

IMO I would increase the contrast of the image just to make the vibrant colours stand out a bit more


(5 years and 3253 days ago)

Flower Power
avatar Toothpick134

haha Nice one I thought it looked familiar

(5 years and 3261 days ago)

WAS (with all salute)
avatar Toothpick134

What a superb idea!

(5 years and 3269 days ago)

Soup du Jour
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As long as the text comes from the default Photoshop texts, then I'm sure it's alright.. It is when you download someones created font, THEN you have to attach a link to it and of course credit them. Hope this helps

(5 years and 3270 days ago)

turtle life cycle
avatar Toothpick134

Yeah I agree with you author on that! I had difficulty because the source wasn't very high! Hey! Nice Creation btw GL!

(5 years and 3270 days ago)

Turtle Man
avatar Toothpick134

Well, you could have done a bit more to it, it's quite simple... Good luck though

(5 years and 3270 days ago)

At last...
avatar Toothpick134

Nice imagination! GL!

(5 years and 3270 days ago)

Bad Dream
avatar Toothpick134

Yeah... I do agree with Serialkiller, the source is just added in there without much work put into it.. Although it's a great image, the contest requires the source image to be manipulated clearly for us to see... Anyway seeing that youre a great chopper so maybe you could do some more work using the source image.. As I said a great image overall GL !!

(5 years and 3271 days ago)

Analyse Me Gently
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Honestly this would look amazing on my bedroom wall

(5 years and 3273 days ago)

Water Spirit
avatar Toothpick134

A truly magical concept! Love it!

(5 years and 3273 days ago)

Water Spirit
avatar Toothpick134

I thought the same thing It really does look really big GL

(5 years and 3273 days ago)

Drive train
avatar Toothpick134

Clever use of source! Great job Good Luck!

(5 years and 3275 days ago)

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Nice idea! Cool Mood GL!

(5 years and 3277 days ago)

The Wild Fantasy of a Duckling
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Great Work! IMHO personally I think the image would be better if the guy only had one head not two but hey thats just me Good Luck!

(5 years and 3277 days ago)

the obsession
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Next Bond?

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

avatar Toothpick134

This is a beautiful image! Magical actually!

(5 years and 3278 days ago)

Forest Elf
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Yeah.. I agree with Mircea It's still a good entry best of luck author!

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

avatar Toothpick134

Really magical mood! Love it!

(5 years and 3279 days ago)

Life grows again
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Real Good Job!!

(5 years and 3280 days ago)

Bad Camera
avatar Toothpick134

Honestly!? I thought that was a normal image! The realism is just amazing GL!

(5 years and 3281 days ago)

No. 334
avatar Toothpick134

Creative.. well done

(5 years and 3283 days ago)

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Ohh I'm shocked.. this entry should have gotten higher marks.. Ohh well better Luck next time! Keep up the good work!

(5 years and 3286 days ago)

avatar Toothpick134

Ohh thats much better Good Luck and one day when you're feeling extra hard working make a SBS Good Luck!

(5 years and 3288 days ago)

avatar Toothpick134

Woow Really nice effect! Do you mind sharing how you got this nice golden effect?

IMO I think this would look allot more professional and simply better if you smoothed out the edges on the 'mouth' of the statues where the light is coming out... I just think they look really sharp and therefore not that realistic.. but hey that my opinion Good Luck! Great Entry!

(5 years and 3288 days ago)

avatar Toothpick134

Good Luck with it!

(5 years and 3293 days ago)

home in the country
avatar Toothpick134

You are a truly talented person, I hope you realise that

(5 years and 3293 days ago)

home in the country