1 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar chakra1985

very nice

(5 years and 3759 days ago)

wanted : mother in law
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Yuk! Someday I'll be mother in law too. Guess what will happen to my son in law if he dedicates an entry like this in my honour! LOL! Just kidding

(5 years and 3760 days ago)

wanted : mother in law
no avatar

Ah, if only glazed meats came around in trucks like the ice cream truck! I wonder what kind of music it would play.

(5 years and 3762 days ago)

Glazed Meat Van
avatar WYSIWYG

lol, You can have mine! where should I drop her!!!

(5 years and 3762 days ago)

wanted : mother in law
avatar tnaylor21286

I like the idea but it isn't futuristic. Good luck!

(5 years and 3764 days ago)

wanted : mother in law
avatar Hippunky
Hippunky says:

LOL - nice work! Love the whole feel of this one - that font is great.

(5 years and 3767 days ago)

wanted : mother in law
avatar JEN750
JEN750 says:


(5 years and 3768 days ago)

curiosity killed the cat
avatar darkshellie23

this is funny....

(5 years and 3768 days ago)

wanted : mother in law
avatar cabldawg71

lol I can relate Author i have one of these. Good luck

(5 years and 3768 days ago)

wanted : mother in law
avatar xdunlapx
xdunlapx says:

I only see three targets. Isn't this a 4 target contest? :P

(5 years and 3769 days ago)

V8 Target Range
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:

nice job

(5 years and 3769 days ago)

SLK Spider
no avatar
numbsock says:

hehe nice work. It appears though as if the car is floating, maybe work on those shadows?

(5 years and 3769 days ago)

SLK Spider
avatar kayaklovergirl


(5 years and 3769 days ago)

curiosity killed the cat
avatar kayaklovergirl

the grass is dull tho

(5 years and 3769 days ago)

V8 Target Range
avatar divair
divair says:

Good work.

(5 years and 3770 days ago)

V8 Target Range
avatar Chuck
Chuck says:


(5 years and 3770 days ago)

V8 Target Range
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

The arrows need a shadow and maybe you could put some expression on the cats face. Just a thought! Good luck

(5 years and 3770 days ago)

curiosity killed the cat