A Nose to Behold

A close up of my white German Shepherds nose.
For: face closeup contest
A close up of my white German Shepherds nose.
For: face closeup contest
I will not be able to offer a very good step by step because I wasn't aware of saving each photo and step if you used your own photos. Its going to mainly have the photos I used to create this final image. I only used 2 photos to create this one.
For: self chops contest
Yes its a bit grim but still one of my favorites. 2 images were used to create final picture. Both images are mine.
For: self chops contest
The fairy is my image, the Umbrella is from pxleyes the other 2 sources came from morgue file. Cave photo came from Ardelfin and the pond photo from KConnors. I will upload a SBS shortly.
For: red umbrella contest
The one source image used was the cracks. Thanks Neriah! The girl is mine. The smoke is from pxleyes of course. SBS coming soon!
For: smoke contest
Recently I ate chinese and had the fortune of getting two fortunes. I opened these in the order they appear. I thought it curious how the one answered the other.
I couldn't resist attempting to make this image. Its always been one of my favorite scenes. I've drawn it, colored it, painted it and finally photoshopped it.There were a great deal of steps involved because of all the versions I toyed with. This is the one I settled on. I'm sure there are areas tha...
For: smoke contest
Image altered to include wings I created in Apophysis. Thanks to Deviantart for the source images: Model from mjranum-stock Flames provided by Tortured-Raven-Stock Star Brushes created by Reikavich.
For: fire people contest
I wish it could have been dead on however its still a neat clock.
Nightmares are always so much more memorable than the pleasant dreams. Oddly enough my nightmares always lack common sense and I often find myself walking into a bad situations. Thank you to mconnors at Morguefile for the zipper, JherDan at Deviantart for the Freddy Glove, The girl in the blue dr...
For: dream art contest
For: two sisters contest
For: lighters contest
A snowflake light in Manhattan.
For: suspension contest
For: jewelry contest
I darkened the image.
For: legs contest
Having problems uploading screenshots, reduced resolution but its still not uploading. Any suggestions?Thank you to the following individuals at deviantart.com Clouds by Dusty-books, Snow landscape by SnaffledChestnut, White Gorse by AestivallStock Horse unicorn stock by Dreva Horse 324 by Bell...
The only images I used that was not my own are the seashells which are credited to Emma-Frost-Stock and the Starfish provided by Pxleyes. The other six images were mine. The end of her tail was a fractal I created in Apophysis. *Update: I attempted to add adjustments offered by jawshoewah and g...
For: sea star contest
I'm sure it may have been better had I used already stitched lip stock however I'm trying to learn how to paint better and manipulate photos effectively witout simple aids. I would like critiques on this especially the shadows. I wasn't sure if I got it right. Its sopposed to appear doll-like and fa...
For: blue eye contest
For: mirror image contest