
For: chairs contest
After many pictures I went back to the first one I took because I like the smoke in this one the best. The lighting on the mirror wasn't the best in this one since it was my first attempt however I thought the style of the smoke was most important.
We had a family reunion and worked together to compose a bunch of these with different themes. The music notes were painted with a flashlight. Its staged yes but it does have traces of light. We used about a 30 second long shutter speed.
For: traces 2 contest
Whats a dog without a stick?
For: pet sideview contest
We were out climbing the other day and saw these adorable little dogs. I tried to take pictures on the sly because I thought his little pack was adorable, as was the dog. This was the best side pic I got.
For: pet sideview contest
Shrooms, shrooms everywhere and not a one to eat. I don't have many varied images however I love hunting for mushrooms. There are so many different types, its easy to find new and unique ones to photograph. This is a collection of my neatest mushroom shots.
Its questionable who was interrupted here. The cat was on my computer but I pestered him mid bath.
For: occupied contest
It snowed before October was over. See the duck?
For: autumn 2 contest
For: round and round 2 contest
For: round and round 2 contest
The center stone isn't round so It wasn't my focal point. I don't take very good care of my ring so its rather blemished, still really liked the pic.
For: round and round 2 contest
When the dog bites...
For: favorite things 2 contest
Whiskers on kittens
For: favorite things 2 contest
My favorite thing about Mcdonalds is the coffee of course.
For: mcdonalds contest
For: paint 2 contest
I got this nightstand off the side of the road and felt inspired to paint this on it to make it look a little less worn.
For: paint 2 contest