
Smeyes - A smile with your eyes.
Smeyes - A smile with your eyes.
A wedding dress normally only gets one day in the limelight. I decided to rescue it from its lonely future and play dress up. The photo was taken in monochrome facing a sunlit window with a flash bulb attatched. I thought the effect was rather eerie.
I really like to play sometimes.
I went to a luau and they dug dinner out of the ground. I thought it was an interesting pic of a crowd and boy was it crowded. I managed to snap this by reaching my arm up really super high and hoping for the best.
For: large crowds contest
What is an illegal seafood?
For: ironic contest
When visiting the city I saw this while walking back to my hotel. After since this it was a tad intimidating taking the route considering I was alone at that time. Never one to pass up an interesting shot I snapped the picture - quick. Then hurried on through to the otherside.
For: ironic contest
We had an amazing ice storm the other day and this was what it looked like at 3 in the afternoon right before the sun peaked. It reminded me of a volcanic mountain.
For: fog contest
Reduced all other colors but that in the apple.
For: mythological beasts contest
For: mythological beasts contest
For: mirror image contest
I had shot a few that were better quality closeups but there was something about this one that just kept me going back to it. I feel she really does look overjoyed.
For: joy contest
We made this over christmas where I work for a gingerbread house contest. It was disqualified for being too creative;-) One of the light posts was broken off .during a vandelous act of a 3 year old. I had straight photos and ones that showed more details but I liked this one the most for some reason...
For: max color contest
For: impressions contest
My parents house is a mecca for old stuff. I used to love to root around, digging through drawers, peeking into cupboards and scavaging for cool stuff on the shelves. One day when I reached the age that this would catch ones eye, I found it, dusty and dingy sitting unused on a shelf.After cleaning i...
For: old school contest
The story is on the tree.
For: old school contest