The End

For: black 2 contest
This little guy was so photogenic and friendly! I had so many great shots, it was tough to choose. I liked his smile and his eyes in this one. I think i'll have to visit him on occasion because he was so awful sweet.
For: barnyard 2 contest
I'm often distracted by "shiny" especially abnormally large and shiny. Had my husband get me this big silver key for Christmas. Used the little key to display the size of it.
For: shiny things contest
For: orchids 2 contest
I attempted to reshoot. I used a cheap macro tube that doesn't have auto-focus or aperture and this is the result. No masking, blur tool or photoshopping was used.
For: jewelry 2 contest
I took this and although most images this blurry get deleted there was something about it I found appealing.
For: abstraction contest
I snapped this around christmas at a local flower shop.
For: fire wood contest
My favorite cookie ever and I only get to eat them on christmas oh and the day after and after that...
I LOVE THE BEATLES! A few years back I made a Beatles themed fish tank. I combed the internet for a yellow submarine and couldn't find one. One day I was in a local pet store and came across this. Its not exactly yellow but it was the closest thing to it. Do you see the walrus too?
For: beatles contest
IMO, a rest of time since they only get ripped open in the end.
For: christmas dislike contest
This is what happens when your lens is scratched smack dab in the middle. I love this picture regardless of its apparent defects.