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I don't know kyricom...i kinda like this one centered...nicely done author
(5 years and 3646 days ago)very nicely done, right on topic, good entry
(5 years and 3646 days ago)good entry, also would have been great for last weeks street photograpy contest...
(5 years and 3646 days ago)highlights just a tad blown on the upper left, but all in all a good entry, GL author!
(5 years and 3646 days ago)nah...J, it's to the left, I think it's in the spirit of the topic, GL author
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Author, it appears off topic, sorry, but if it don't fit the guidelines it gets noticed...happens to all of us sooner or later....
(5 years and 3646 days ago)nice repeating pattern shot...
(5 years and 3646 days ago)agree, straighten the horizon and resubmit, would make for a better shot
(5 years and 3646 days ago)would make for a higher impact if you got a bit closer to the ground when shooting for this IMO...get low and shoot a straight horizon and you'll be more pleased with the results I'm sure.
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Awesome entry...author...you climbed that??? I'd have to pay someone for a piggy-back ride! LOL
(5 years and 3646 days ago)perfect entry author...nicely done, great comp and nice lines of convergence!
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Agrees w/ jawshoewhah...straighten the horizion and it's a spot-on great entry...good work author
(5 years and 3646 days ago)love the great low-angle shooting author...that's what sets good images apart from mediocre one's, thought BEFORE you press the shutter, composition ect...nicely done
(5 years and 3646 days ago)lovely spot...wish I was there now! nice entry
(5 years and 3646 days ago)great image, nice feel and mood, rustic...and spot-on theme, nicely done
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Author, I really hope this isn't a sample of your best work, seriously. If you're new, a helpful hint...if you hope to place and win in contests, grainy, out of focus and generally low-quality submissions aren't going to work. Sorry, but although an adorable little one...the photo is very low quality.
(5 years and 3646 days ago)very well done, right on topic, well balanced, good entry! personally I might have gone a bit tighter and shot portrait...but this works nicely also
(5 years and 3646 days ago)agree...nice shot anyway
(5 years and 3646 days ago)priceless...
(5 years and 3646 days ago)lovely bride and lovely photo, nicely done author
(5 years and 3646 days ago)very nice...I also wonder about the color? great image all around
(5 years and 3646 days ago)I think I'll stick to a hand-shake LOL!...nice
(5 years and 3646 days ago)too cute...I still have that problem now and again...
(5 years and 3646 days ago)karol nailed it...great lighting, wonderful image
(5 years and 3646 days ago)too cool! great shot
(5 years and 3646 days ago)look...it's baby Buddah! Great image, and IMO it's right on theme...I mean if you have had kids you know...they don't do too much else but make faces and process food at that age ...LOL! great shot author.
(5 years and 3646 days ago)love the pose, great image
(5 years and 3646 days ago)great lighting...nice and bright w/o blown highlights...the eyes are great!
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Author...for future submissions...if you WANT to do well, make sure at least the basics are there...focus, and A - B -C's (angle, background & composition) GL
(5 years and 3646 days ago)great image, nice and brite, great focus, great subject! @ mellanieb ...better than goats poo?!? (I hope you don't know that from experence!!!) LOL
(5 years and 3646 days ago)nicely done...looks like fun, can't wait till it warms up here
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Love the look on the lady in the back! LOL...great capture
(5 years and 3646 days ago)agrees w/ above comments...a comparason or contrast shot would have made a better entry
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Please..oh PLEASE...tell me he's NOT applying makeup!?! LOL...great image author, nice capture
(5 years and 3646 days ago)agree...great subject focus and good image
(5 years and 3646 days ago)nicely done, great in B&W
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Nice image, shame about the ear-tags...deer farm?
(5 years and 3646 days ago)goats are too cool, nice image
(5 years and 3646 days ago)lovely color and saturation, well done
(5 years and 3646 days ago)I was just thinking the same thing! pet cow perhaps?...mooooo....
(5 years and 3646 days ago)nice in B&W...well done
(5 years and 3646 days ago)uthor, nice balance in the thirds...but when taking wild life...try to focus on the eyes...makes for a more dramatic photo...focus appears a bit off
(5 years and 3646 days ago)good image author..nice entry... @kyricom...you're too much! LOL
(5 years and 3646 days ago)80 k/ph ?!? that's really hoofin' it!...nice image
(5 years and 3646 days ago)makes it kinda difficult to "take the bull by the horns"...LOL (good image and title)
(5 years and 3646 days ago)Now that's one cool set of horns! gotta get me one of those!
(5 years and 3646 days ago)very interesting effect...looks kind of like a renesance type painting
(5 years and 3646 days ago)awesome! Love it!! gl author
(5 years and 3646 days ago)really neat image
(5 years and 3646 days ago)totally great image, fantastic work. I love the feel and mood, the entire thing looks like an airbrush painting.
(5 years and 3646 days ago)