2654 comments given:
avatar UncleJimmy

Sorry Author...as touching as this image may be...first, i think the focus (due to the title) should be more on the grave than on the person to the left. Second, according to the contest guidelines; "Present a large portion of the graveyard for this contest. No shots of a single graves or headstones."

EDIT: so I don't appear too stupid...the author changed the entry after my original comment....LOL

(5 years and 3142 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Nice colors and detail, love it...well done author

(5 years and 3143 days ago)

Vaulted Ceiling
avatar UncleJimmy

Nice use of framing on a wonderful building. This is an angle I haven't seen of this building before, well done author

(5 years and 3143 days ago)

Taj Mahal
avatar UncleJimmy

Horizon could use a bit of straightening...otherwise, good use of framing and color author

(5 years and 3143 days ago)

El Alamein
avatar UncleJimmy

Author, neat capture...would it be possible to see a hi-Rez?

(5 years and 3143 days ago)

Electrical Fury
avatar UncleJimmy

LOL...way to go out on a ledge for a great shot! nicely done author...glad you didn't fall.

(5 years and 3145 days ago)

Icy Ledge
avatar UncleJimmy

Agree here w/ kyricom...although harmless, if you had no idea how to identify the snake, it's gutsy enough for me...I know people who would pass out from fear just being near a snake regardless of type. (Not me of course...we have a 5 foot Python named "Monty"!)

(5 years and 3145 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Nice composition and angle author...well done

(5 years and 3145 days ago)

Margraten I
avatar UncleJimmy

Nice "Grab" author....what an opportunity, and well captured...very fine nature work here!

(5 years and 3146 days ago)

fish grab
avatar UncleJimmy

Author, this appears to be shot through glass...the reflections are a bit distracting to an otherwise good image. If you wish to shoot through glass, may I recommend investing in a polarizing filter? They are fairly inexpensive and not only remove most reflections from windows, they also help effectively saturate colors in landscape photography....just a thought.

(5 years and 3146 days ago)

Glass Blower
avatar UncleJimmy

Much better author....well done

(5 years and 3148 days ago)

vacation on the beach
avatar UncleJimmy

Author, how did I know? nicely done...bravo

(5 years and 3148 days ago)

Green Lynx Spider
avatar UncleJimmy

Just a suggestion author, having the subject (the umbrellas) dead-center in the image creates a less than interesting composition. In the future, try shooting/cropping so the subject of interest is on the upper 3rd, lower 3rd of off-centered...it should help the composition greatly and create a more interesting image.

(5 years and 3149 days ago)

vacation on the beach
avatar UncleJimmy

Wonderful image...well done author.

(5 years and 3149 days ago)

John 3:16
avatar UncleJimmy

Nice crisp image author, well done

(5 years and 3149 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Interesting shot author, but, it could stand a bit of straightening.

(5 years and 3149 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Nice capture author...agree w/ kyricom here, look at cropping out the roof and perhaps a touch more contrast to make the clouds really pop...otherwise, a great entry...

(5 years and 3150 days ago)

Storm approaching
avatar UncleJimmy

I want one...that looks like a ton of fun! I'm putting this on my "bucket list" right now...well done author.

(5 years and 3150 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Wonderful poem, I remember this one...haven't thought about it or the meaning for a very long time, Thank you Author...well done

(5 years and 3150 days ago)

The Road Not Taken
avatar UncleJimmy

Wow...kinda creepy, but Super Cool....nicely done author. Super image.

(5 years and 3151 days ago)

Elfin kid
avatar UncleJimmy

Now THAT'S a cool shot...yes indeed, Much better now author...I still can't believe those things can fly upside-down! Nicely done

(5 years and 3151 days ago)

Mowing the lawn
avatar UncleJimmy

You are permitted to take an "interpretive" photograph of artwork according to the guidelines of the site...as this is not a full-frame shot of a single drawing, I believe it qualifies as such, IMHO.

(5 years and 3151 days ago)

the exhibition
avatar UncleJimmy

Nicely on theme Author, well done with the lighting balance, very good work...

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

F*ck the police!
avatar UncleJimmy

Love the poem, great choice of photo also...nicely done author

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Although you might be trying to show just how small the solar panel is Author, it might have been better to make it somehow more prominent in the image, to bring more attention to it...this shot appears much more about the cranes than that tiny, hard to spot panel...Just an opinion.

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Interesting concept with the movie poster idea, nicely done author.

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

Ceral Killers
avatar UncleJimmy

Agree w/ dem90 here...that indeed would be a neat shot then

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

Mowing the lawn
avatar UncleJimmy

I don't believe the image is in any danger of being removed on the premise of it's a dead kitten. The Mods are not here to censor art, rather the contrary, we are here to merely enforce the rules of the site (of which this image violates none that I'm aware of) and to keep the contests fair and consistent. We would rather help, teach and mentor members than go around haphazardly removing entries. I believe the Author here took an image that moved them and wrote about it...perfectly within the spirit of the contest. The image, whilst disturbing to some, is neither vulgar nor horrific IMHO.

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

9 lives spent
avatar UncleJimmy

Nicely done author...I still need to try this technique, but my timing is terrible, when I have the time, the conditions suck for such a shot, when the conditions are good, I don't have the time to get to an interesting location. Very interesting entry indeed.

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

Clear Skies Ahead
avatar UncleJimmy

Nicely done author....just showed this entry to my kids and they asked "Can we go to the zoo and see one up close?" LOL....pretty cool entry in my book!

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Nice DOF for a close up, sometimes, due to their small sensor size and great inherent DOF, a P&S camera makes an excellent choice for a close-up...

(5 years and 3153 days ago)

touch of color
avatar UncleJimmy

Lovely mood in this shot. I think the tight placement of the subject to the right balances well with the background very well, nicely done author

(5 years and 3154 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Wonderful comp and great way to kick off this competition...well done author

(5 years and 3154 days ago)

lamp & table
avatar UncleJimmy

I know that place...I was there last summer, simply a wonderful area...well done author

(5 years and 3154 days ago)

Ten Miles from Pavement
avatar UncleJimmy

Wow...what a lucky capture, never quite saw one go in a circle before...nice

(5 years and 3154 days ago)

Cracks in the Sky
avatar UncleJimmy

Vanity is not one of the seven deadly sins....sorry

(5 years and 3154 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

This is very nice...wonderful colorization. The pastels work well with this image. Well done author...

(5 years and 3154 days ago)

white cups become color cups
avatar UncleJimmy

Dont run away author....it's well done for a very hard contest

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Love the tonality here, nicely done author.

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

Bachelor Pad
avatar UncleJimmy

Very nice, good concept and great execution...seriously on target for the topic. well done author.

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

This is a fantastic shot author, indeed, well done!

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

Digital Cowboy
avatar UncleJimmy

Nicely done author, love the angle, color and lighting. The crop works well here too...just top notch!

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

LOL...I know what you mean author, I carry something similar in my camera bag for photographing young children...never underestimate the value of a stuffed helper to get their attention...plus, after a long shoot, you have someone to complain to that won't tell you to "shut up and quit whining!"

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

Photographers best friend
avatar UncleJimmy

Wonderful work, very impressive. Great angles created here.

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

avatar UncleJimmy

Simply beautiful work, nicely done

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

Quiet Class!
avatar UncleJimmy

Wonderful find, and well done author, the detail in the wood is very nice...well chosen subject.

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

Wood Mill
avatar UncleJimmy

Just a hair on the 'overcooked' side for what I might have done, but, that being said...it REALLY works here...nice work author, I can feel the mood of the shot. Well done.

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

Old Barn
avatar UncleJimmy

Simply incredible work author...I wish i was nearly half this good with HDR, you MUST write us a tutorial someday describing this technique...I'm sincerely in awe

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

St James Cathedral
avatar UncleJimmy

HEY! I have a shot almost exactly like this author...nicely done, love what you did with the color (or lack of it)...well done

(5 years and 3155 days ago)

Call Me Later
avatar UncleJimmy

nice balance to this one, love the symmetry...it's not often you can pull-off having your subjects in the center of the frame and keep it interesting, here, it works very well...nice capture

(5 years and 3155 days ago)
