Green and Yellow.

2 Peppers dropped into a fishtank half full of water.
For: clean glass contest
2 Peppers dropped into a fishtank half full of water.
For: clean glass contest
Noise reduction, B&W convertion, Levels
For: bald people contest
He loves playing with his dad's camera since almost a year ago.
I shooted this today using a D300. it's 9 exposures processed into one using Photomatix.
Morning dew on blades of grass with crocus and black backround. If you have time please check full res. 100mm macro, f25.
For: expecting contest
melon macro. not sure but i think its a cantaloupe?
I shot this with a Nikon F3 on Agfa Pan 400 ISO and rated it at 1600 ISO and then over developed it to achieve the grain I wanted and contrast. It is shot outside using daylight against a black canvas at 2.8 fstop.
For: out the dark contest
For: body parts contest
For this photo i used... Christmas tree lights,that i place as far as i could from the camera. A black piece of paper with a hole in the middle,in the shape of a heart that i place in front of my cameras lens (with power tape). 18x zoom (till the frame fills up with the lights) & manually foc...
This is the best shot i take last night,it was my first try on this kind of shots.i was on this rock beach at 6:20, the shot take at 7:15. shot:Row, iso 100 ,14mm, f22, 30sec.
For: time lapse contest