Babbling Brook

For: rivers contest
For: fear factor contest
Raindrops captured on a spiders web creates both stripes and squares...
For: stripes contest
It's not a Halloween party without the here she is; and none too happy about the new costume this year.
For: halloween contest
For: instruments contest
A Statue dedicated to Viet Nam era veterans
For: memorials contest
Caught in the wild, no zoo photo here...many hours of waiting and hoping paid off when this doe practically walked over me.
For: wild animals contest
For: wild animals contest
As I lay on the ground just meters away to get "the shot", this big fellow began to express his irritation at my close proximity. Luckily, I was faster!
For: slow animals contest
Shot on black plexiglass and a mirror for effect. Probably one of the harder shots I've tries to set up recently.
For: cutlery contest
6 forks 1 marble 1 glass plate Lots of light
For: cutlery contest
All of us here know that nearly every contest run has to have someone making a candle shot, right?!? So here is the first candle-shot of the contest...enjoy! LOL!!!
Shot at 780mm Canon 50D f/8 1/1000"
For some, the temptation to push the limits leads to a shortfall in the final goal or destination...this poor chap ran dry across the street from the gas station (red awning in the background).
For: james joyce contest
"Hey, did you hear the latest gossip?"
For: horns contest