
For: orchids contest
For: orchids contest
This is my 1960's Bogen Enlarger... I still use this enlarger for turning my 35mm and 120mm film negatives into stunning Black and White Prints! Before the days of digital camera's and digital image manipulation...this was the beast that was the heart and soul of the darkroom. Points for those of yo...
For: old school contest
A circa 1960's Fur-rimmed Zebra patterned Hat! No wardrobe should be considered complete without one IMHO... I quite honestly fold this one up into a cowboy hat and wear it on photo-shoots for young children when I need to get a works...and was well worth the $.50 cent investment at t...
For: kitch contest
These test pilots gave their lives to help perfect future design and further the safety of air travel for millions upon millions of travelers...
For: paper planes contest
A Seagull's Treasure!
For: trash contest
Intergalactic Hero at your service...
And still counting...
For: joy contest
For: surface panoramas contest