Mandy 1

For: adult women contest
3 panel panno of the downtown area of my hometown.
For: after dark contest
I removed the tennis court in the BG as well as the stairs leading to it and the ball field fence on the right, cropped it a bit closer and BANG! Decent wedding photo from a cluttered shooting area...
For: i like to move it contest
Boys & Girls... meet your UncleJimmy!
The iconic Easter candy - marshmallow peeps
For: easter contest
For: window light contest
4 combined shots to give this image
For: black and white HDR contest
7 shots at +/- 2 stops with a 6.5mm fish-eye lens Original shots are in the SBS
For: black and white HDR contest
7 shot HDR of some mushrooms on a stump in my yard
For: black and white HDR contest
Blacksmith in sepia
For: monochrome contest