Not Very Good(year)

Found on the roadside
For: out of place contest
Found on the roadside
For: out of place contest
For: abandoned buildings contest
Burrs look beautiful close-up, but are a real pain!
For: lovely ugly contest
If you think they're all cute, around here we call them "tree-rats". Very destructive to homes and birds nests...
For: lovely ugly contest
For: squared contest
Taken from inside the abandoned building, the thatch roof gone, leaving nothing but sky...
For: abandoned buildings contest
not usually found near the surf, but on the playground or road...noone was around this one as I was walking to the rocks in the BG to take surf pics...This caught my eye and I took the shot.
For: out of place contest
While searching for flowers for this contest, I got a bonus beetle dining on my chosen type of flower.
Whilst not my favorite, they are everywhere here!
This was taken on holiday while swimming with the Dolphins at Sea World in Florida. It was a great experience to be that close to these wonderful animals. Used an Olympus "Tough" camera...thankfully, waterproof!
For: underwater contest
For: math contest
Being able to quickly add up Cents only makes sense...
For: math contest
For: film noir contest
Hoya 720nM IR Filter
For: leather contest