No Parking Here

I don't think anyone has parked here in a long time!
For: garage doors contest
I don't think anyone has parked here in a long time!
For: garage doors contest
Released in 1927 till 1935, this folding Kodak hawk-eye finally brought photography to the masses. Simple, relatively compact and inexpensive, the Hawk-eye could be loaded with out sending the entire back for processing like it's predecessor. The camera features a leather outer and leather bellows.
For: leather contest
Sometimes it what you're Not wearing that sets you apart from the crowd.
This is my other passion and how I often travel to photo-shoots, Entirely bought and paid for through photography. (Entry changed at the suggestion of Kyricom!)
An Apple and of course, a BlackBerry pie...
Three strobes with 3 different gels...
For: color filter contest
Ripped apart years ago by Hurricane Agnes (1974) the sea continues to wear away a once mighty pier.
We destroy thousands of acres annually to play this game...nature says, "Not Today!"
Shot using a blue filter on the lens (Tiffen #47) and a CPL To deepen the underwater effect of the deep blue sky...
For: color filter contest
For: three bears contest
Hello all, well...Here I am and you can see why I STAY on the back-side of the camera, LOL.
For: illusions contest