Enter, Enter

Sepia in camera, adjusted crop and levels in PS CS4
For: sepia toning contest
Sepia in camera, adjusted crop and levels in PS CS4
For: sepia toning contest
Adjusted in PS4. (different entry)
For: sepia toning contest
All effects done in camera (No PS at all.) Rotated the zoom ring at low light to get the effect and cropped slightly on RAW conversion. Took several attempts to get the effect I was looking for.
For: sepia toning contest
This woman loves dressing up and riding through the local parks for the children. done without pay, she simply enjoys her "work".
For: mark twain contest
As a modern means of communication, photography has been around for about 175 years. Newspapers and advertising communicate to the masses through photography, perhaps this youngster will work for the New York Post or National Geographic someday.
For: communication means contest
Both old and modern...before you can speak or anything else, touch is used as a form of communication. In this case, I think it says, "I Love You".
For: communication means contest
Earth and water...hope it's on-theme!
For: the elements contest
Desaturated, Levels, Curves and Cooling filter @ 10%
For: lens flare contest
OK...think I have this digital IR thing sorted out, took two days to figure out post-processing for it. Shot w/ Optika R72 IR filter...originals upon request to show it was actual IR shooting. 15sec @ f/5.6
For: infrared contest
Originally destined for the delete button because of all the lens flare, I kept it just in case...and here it is!
For: lens flare contest
For: hand shadows contest
Unlike years ago...now my daily needs include my glasses and an organizer!
For: daily needs contest
I can't believe no one has entered one yet...so here it is! LOL
One of those laser etched glass cubes...I originally shot it all on black but you couldnt see that it wasn't like a total PS job, so then I shot it on a mirror, angled the light and adjusted levels and curves to make most of the upper cube disappear and still show the outlines in the mirror image un...
For: clean glass contest
If you're viewing this, you're using them, if you took a picture, drive, watch TV, make phone calls or just about anything else short of living like a hermit in utter seclusion...we use 'em everyday whether we see them or not.
For: daily needs contest
Currently I'm partway through a photo-a-day blogging project and to be different, I'm shooting exclusively B&W film for the entire project, doing all my own developing and printing. So far it's been a great experience to go back to my "Old School Ways" and really have to consider caref...
For: daily needs contest
An actor dressed in colonial period clothing contrasts with a modern day on-lookers' style. I can only wonder what our forefathers would have thought...what a difference 87,000 or so days make (240 years).
For: thoreau contest