Sleeping with the Fishes

For: Photo Tournament 2 Finals contest
For: Photo Tournament 2 Finals contest
For: Photo Tournament 2 Round 3 contest
My favorite photographer is Mathew Brady, one of the pioneers of American photography who was noted for his photography of the American Civil War. My favorite shots of his are of the solders and crews who fought the battles. (you will need to scroll...
For: imitation contest
For: Photo Tournament 2 Round 3 contest
United States National Emblem (bird)
For: Photo Tournament 2 Round 3 contest
2 forms of communication in a single shot...
For: communication means 2 contest
On a Big day...sometimes a kiss is all it takes to communicate all the thanks and gratitude, and say, "I'll be OK"
For: communication means 2 contest
For: Photo Tournament 2 Round 2 contest
actually taken in field, using a black poster board as a back-drop
For: commercial contest
For: photo tournament 2 round 1 contest
Vintage civil war canon being fired at night
For: photo tournament 2 round 1 contest
In all honesty this has to be one of the most difficult and serious set-up's I have done lately,,,many thanks to my model for putting up with the discomfort of balancing the knife, it is my fighting knife and is razor-sharp...
"It won't get you home, but it's great for picking up Chicks!"
For: motorbikes contest
My 1998 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic...
For: motorbikes contest
The final pitch....left 2 men on base, lost 2-1
For: lost 2 contest
Entry changed to better fit the guidelines of the contest....
For: going low 2 contest
the leading line created by the guitar leads to the face...
For: easter eggs contest