For: metal bird contest
Boldly going where no PXL'r has gone before!! Launch time 4:20 pm Thanks to: Skeeze on Pixabay (and spaceranger) for the background
For: church contest
Thanks to all stock providers from DA! Stock credits:
For: girl in the woods contest
Thanks Ben Earwicker for the skull photo. Frame and background are in SBS.
For: ps tournament 5 round 2 contest
Horseshoe Bend - National Military Park
For: black and white 2 contest
For: animals contest
Did lots of fun today now time for some rest.
For: animals contest
For: macro and close up contest
Just for fun.. :)
For: photo tournament 5 round 1 contest
pencil, 0.7 and 0.3 pens used
For: facial expression 2 td contest
Used photoshop and 2 additional sources by Mqtrf from PxlEyes stock section
For: old knob contest
For: industrial contest
Something I did about 6 months ago to keep me busy. Thanks to mffugabriel-stock, AbsurdWordPreferred, mjranum-stock and youvegotmaille.
For: mixed manipulations 8 contest
The way something is with respect to its main attributes,the act, state, or quality of forming a whole from separate parts.
For: ideologies contest
This is the best shot i take last night,it was my first try on this kind of shots.i was on this rock beach at 6:20, the shot take at 7:15. shot:Row, iso 100 ,14mm, f22, 30sec.
For: time lapse contest
All source....
For: path togo contest