St Marks Square

    St Marks Square

    This image was taken at St Marks Square in Venice.

    For: going low 2 contest

    » Score: 59.37%
    » Rank: 59 out of 73

    Market Day

    Market Day

    When I traveled through Europe, I went through a stage of placing my camera on the ground and snapping images from ground level. This one was taken in Prague on Market Day just near the Charles Bridge.

    For: going low 2 contest

    » Comments: 2
    » Score: 63.9%
    » Rank: 31 out of 73

    The Arch

    The Arch
    top 3 entry

    I took this image of my favourite arch in a little village in Italy called Malcesine.

    For: going low 2 contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 73.49%
    » Rank: 1 out of 73

    Rain Drops

    Rain Drops

    Perfect Rain Drops on a leaf!

    For: perfect circles 2 contest

    » Score: 59.37%
    » Rank: 41 out of 68



    I took this shot of James Bartel at the Geelong Football Club, club rooms. I used a speedlight flash and a bungi cord attached to my camera.

    For: environmental 2 contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 66.84%
    » Rank: 7 out of 20

    Men O Pause

    Men O Pause

    I took this shot of my Mum, 'The House Wife', but made it a little eccentric. It was taken using Medium Format Camera with Transparency. I scanned the image and have not enhanced it.

    For: environmental 2 contest

    » Comments: 5
    » Score: 66%
    » Rank: 9 out of 20

    Wet Window

    Wet Window

    I took this image in my lounge room as the rain settled on the fly screen. There is no editing. The image is as I took it.

    For: all wet 2 contest

    » Score: 61.18%
    » Rank: 35 out of 45

    Moving Flowers

    Moving Flowers

    I took this shot in my garden using colour transparency and my medium format camera. I placed the camera on a tripod and waited till a gust of wind came and pressed the shutter. To my delight, some flowers are in focus and some are moving. I scanned the image to disk and have not altered th...

    For: ko photo tournament contest

    » Comments: 3
    » Score: 60.2%
    » Rank: 43 out of 70



    This is the Geelong Waterfront. A stunning sunset with the Ferris Wheel in motion. The only editing I did was to slightly saturate the colours to make the pink sky a bit more punchy!!

    For: ko photo tournament contest

    » Comments: 4
    » Score: 62.7%
    » Rank: 28 out of 70