Veronika decides to die

The main character of the story, Veronika, decides to commit suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping pills.
The main character of the story, Veronika, decides to commit suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping pills.
For: commercial contest
Vintage civil war canon being fired at night
For: photo tournament 2 round 1 contest
47°29'7" N 13°11'40" E
For: gps tagged contest
F:22 iso 50 5 min exposure Nikon 50mm f/1.8 AF Nikkor.
For: chrome contest
For: bubbles contest
And one gigantic smile!
For: best things contest
was shot with 35mm
For: old camera contest
For: lovely ugly contest
Macro setting on my Olympus
I was taking another kind of picture but through and accident I ended up being able to take this picture much better than what I had planned before.
For: collisions contest
this is how you make two droplets...
For: collisions contest
No Signature...
For: collisions contest
This is the result of yellow milk being dripped from a fixed dropper into purple milk. (milk coloured with yellow and black food colouring) The yellow plate is formed by the collision of a falling and a rising droplet.
For: collisions contest
Caught in the wild, no zoo photo here...many hours of waiting and hoping paid off when this doe practically walked over me.
For: wild animals contest
For: wild animals contest
Can't you just feel it? Please, someone send me back there!
For: paradise contest