Sunset on the beach

For: stairway to heaven contest
Belgian sign, it says literally "prohibited to come to work" :-), they actually mean "forbidden to enter the working area", typical sign at constructions works
Theme park in an old industrial park in Germany
For: theme park 2 contest
Met this guy i a museum he used to be a proffesional photographer, now earning money with stockphoto's. He smoked all his life, now needed the bottle of oxygen to survive...
Taken at Solverein germany.
For: orange contest
The art museum in Milwaukee, by Calatrava, my favourite architect :)
For: architecture contest
For: souvenirs contest
For: souvenirs contest
As you might know centuries ago part of the Netherlands did not exist as being land. Windmills like the one in the picture above pumped (and some still do) water away from the "swamps". So called drainage mills. Behind the mill the little canal starts, the water finally flows into the sea....
For: rivers streams canals contest