263 comments given:
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Widiar says:

Plenty of similar(ish) ideas it seems. But this is very well executed, good work.

(5 years and 1155 days ago)

Wood sign
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Widiar says:

And ********************* me.. I totally typoed while voting your picture. I'm very sorry for that, I vote like the total opposite I was going to.. *GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR* .. I would need an annoying 'Are you sure ye/no/ask my parents!?' -button for moments like this..

(5 years and 3442 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

He has a small mask remnants above his teeth. Otherwise very clean chop and great idea. I like the dramatic sky and the contrast between the ground. I would have maybe given the butterfly some extra contrast and colours/vibrance. Because of the tree shadows some ppl will definitely comment on the shadow and lightning but I couldn't care less. For reason unknown this image makes me think a lot.. which is always a good thing. It's both sad and somewhat encouraging..

(5 years and 3442 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Excellent.. cute face, he looks like a bit lost in the woods Would make a nice character for the next Pixar movie.

(5 years and 3442 days ago)

The Pear Soul
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Widiar says:

Excellen work - as always. The background colour takes a little bit away from the flowers, but well... Good work and nice SBS.

(5 years and 3442 days ago)

Bejeweled Arrangement
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Widiar says:

Awesome, time well spent... Can you do extra sbs how you painted his teeth? .. Well done author.

(5 years and 3442 days ago)

Mr P
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Widiar says:

A must read book for everyone. I have like zero idea what your machine does (lays some nice golden eggs?) but it looks good anyway and very well done.

(5 years and 3443 days ago)

Theory of Lengthwise Rolling
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Widiar says:

Very cool. Funny idea and good execution as well. There is still a thin white line on the right side of the big statue, fix that and it'll be awesome.

(5 years and 3443 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

I agree about the sideburns (and hairline), but overall very good job, as well as the SBS. Great work.

(5 years and 3443 days ago)

Play time...
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Widiar says:

A clean chop, good work..

(5 years and 3443 days ago)

Cat Spying
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Widiar says:

I'm thinking it's the nest for the bird and a little small for that purpose. But anyways, excellent work.

(5 years and 3443 days ago)

Pear Tree
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Widiar says:

She's adorable and cut, I especially like her eyebrows, makes me wonder how would she look like when angry - like a traditional dragon should be.. always fierce, flaming and trolling around 0.o

Good work overall, nice choice of colours.

(5 years and 3443 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Splendid job.. both the idea and work.

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

I am Tasty
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Widiar says:

Very nice idea :O

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

Silent Movie
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Widiar says:

It could use some sort of handles or steering wheel or something - to make moving it a bit more practical. Very neat idea, as a fan of cyber- and steampunk I've already got some ideas what to use it for ,-)

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

my steampunk engine
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Widiar says:

Pretty nice technical skills here, but a bit too much stuff going on for my taste. I would get rid some of the stuff and simplify it a little bit. Very nice colours btw.

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

Fork You, Fork You Very Much
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Widiar says:

I can easily forgive the jean's shadows for this terrifically good idea. For me it screams some catchy poster slogan, good work author..

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Yeah, I would also blend some more of the original colour here and there or match the colour with another source. Very nice idea thou.

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

Love is in the air...
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Widiar says:

Good and clean chop, nice work overall.

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

Chopper Pooch
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Widiar says:

Nice one. Would love to see the SBS for the hair. Personally I hate a very glossy lipstick, but well.. it IS a model picture after all.

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

al muro
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Widiar says:

A good choice of colours. The yellowish/green garment of the child looks like it could use some shadows to give it more shape, otherwise very good job. Well done author.

(5 years and 3444 days ago)

Old family photo
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Widiar says:

The hair edges are always a tricky one. They're a bit rough now, as the extra blur makes them stand out from the image. But the overall colours are very nice and so is the composition. Would make a nice cover for some relaxation CD or similar

(5 years and 3448 days ago)

Dare to imagine :)
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Widiar says:

Very cool design. Would love to see it in colour, at least with green leaves or something. But good work, looks pretty clean chop.

(5 years and 3448 days ago)

Industrial Flora
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Widiar says:

Very good work with such a simple tools and methods. /me likes..

(5 years and 3452 days ago)

Resting Lion
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Widiar says:

I agree about the reflection being a bit excessive. But very nice idea and nice picture otherwise.

(5 years and 3452 days ago)

and the winner is......
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Widiar says:

The shadows are way too dark. Also the perspective of them (especially the left side) is way off, they're cast on the ground as there are no obstacles, so it shouldn't cover things from the hills.. Now it looks like the shadow is both out of perspective and also miles long.. Scale them smaller and use the perspective tool

(5 years and 3513 days ago)

Good day for a rocket launch
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Widiar says:

For this kind of style, very good entry. At least this is showing some work done and something (a lot) from the original source. Good job, author..

(5 years and 3513 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Nice entry, but I agree about the light problems. Overall, the light from the windows is too bright and it could be a bit warmed shade, like a bit orange, yellow, reddish or something. Nice entry worth tweaking a bit more.

(5 years and 3513 days ago)

Real Isolation
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Widiar says:

I would have prefer a bit more human like hand, otherwise very nice work. She looks very nice and.. erhm.. fertile?

The inner edges of the trees are a bit washed out and the edges are maybe too clean and straight for a natural tree. I would have also cropped the image a bit otherwise personally. But good work author.

(5 years and 3513 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Very cute and funny, good drawing also.. thou I do agree about the picture part. I can't make myself to give very high vote as this isn't a digital drawing contest, sorry for that. (I like the pawn figure on the racket a lot btw..)

(5 years and 3513 days ago)

Big Trouble
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Widiar says:

For an ant, the antennae are indeed below the eye level, not above. But the shape and length should be changed a bit as well as the direction, so they don't look so weird. But it's very nice work. The eyes too are added with a bit hastily, you could check out some actual photos and try to blend them a bit better.

Good work, author.

(5 years and 3517 days ago)

Bulb Insect
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Widiar says:

Nice idea with the actual3D cubes. The guitar part looks awesome, dunno about leaving the whole head part intact. I wonder if giving some shadows and shading for the boxes would take it out of cubism, not so familiar with the style myself? Good image anyways, quite creative viewpoint.

(5 years and 3518 days ago)

Tea & Metal, Good Times!
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Widiar says:

There are a few single grasses on the foreground bushes breaking up, looking like going behind the objects. As the light comes from behind, I would make the objects a tiny bit darker from the shadow side, but overall this is a very good blend. Looks very realistic and nice for the eye.

(5 years and 3518 days ago)

Misty Morning
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Widiar says:

Very nice and clean chop here. Don't really know about the sparkles, but.. definitely worth watching the hi-res. Good work, author..

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

rise up
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Widiar says:

Incredibly good work.. and against all the odds, his eyes are GREEN instead of blue.. o/ Nice work with the snowmen and bunny too, so nice expression on their faces.. High vote from here, some very good entries on this contest.

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Already a lot better with the out of perspective rock removed. You could have blended it in with perspective tool and shadows perhaps, but takes a lot of skill and times, so obviously better choice if you're busy on your life (aren't we all). I'm glad you appreciate my comments and suggestions. And I know how you feel.I think we all sometimes (even best of us) make a picture for hours, then send it with full excitement, how good we did.. waiting some praise and then someone comes and tells how obvious flaws we missed.It is always a good thing to give the image "a rest" and take a new look with fresh eyes and mind.

But it's the whole point of this site I think.. to learn, give and take tips and improve our skills. Would be utterly boring to see 100 perfect chops every night with nothing to say but 'Awesome work dude!111' ..

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

Day at the River
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Widiar says:

It's a bit "pale" image, could use a bit more contrast and colours, at least where there is real world instead of the picture. But very nice concept and image otherwise.

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

make a wish
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Widiar says:

I think with a slight warp or liquify tool you can blend the teeth to pop up from otherwise closed mouth. I don't see them as a major problem anyways. Just raise the upper lip a bit around the teeth and make a shallow dimple for them on the lower lips.

About the floating stick, you can try warping the cushion a bit too or/and remove the shadow from where it touches the corner/cushion,

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

Lord Vampus
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Widiar says:

Agree with some of the previous commentators..I always like to see something from the original source. But the picture itself is very good.

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

I would do bit more work with the foreground tower blending, it looks like it's sunk to the ground and also the perspective with the tree is a bit weird. It looks like the base is in behind the tree or at the same depth, but the upper part is in front.

Overall it IS a bit surrealistic, so I'm ok with the title. Good colours and mood, worth tweaking a bit more.

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

Hybrid Surrealism
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Widiar says:

To be honest once again, I think the rules were interpreted quite dubiously. But what comes to the image, it's superb as mentioned several time.

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Good improvement, much better blend of hips and upper body with shadows and stuff.

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Pretty nice work, but the leftt side dark and big boulder doesn't fit into the perspective here very well. There is also a slight problem with the scale of the people when compared to each other. Walking kids and the one fishing could use a slight shadow, you can use the rock shadows as a guide, where the light comes from. To make it even more realistic, you could cast some shadows from the big bushes and trees on the left side of the river bank. (There is also a minor masking error on the left side of the cycling path.

(5 years and 3519 days ago)

Day at the River
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Widiar says:

Very nice. Only thing I don't personally like very much are the edges and overburned white highlights, but it's a matter of taste really. Very well done.

(5 years and 3520 days ago)

if i can fly
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Widiar says:

Good job with such a simple idea. For some reason this reminds me one of those movie company logos, where that small boy is sitting on the half moon and there were clouds and stuff.. Dreamworks or something, perhaps?

(5 years and 3520 days ago)

Waiting for the flying fish
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Widiar says:

You definitely have your unique style,many times I've been like 'dunno what to say about this' and after vote realized it was yours. I see some great potential here,if you master the technical skills.

(5 years and 3520 days ago)

Old & Wrinkled
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Widiar says:

The upper body is a bit weird, not sure if it's clothing or the body itself. The upper body seems quite small compared to the legs, but it's probably because the shading is different than on the original source you used as a model. She also has a small piece of *ss ..missing right under her arm. If you fix that and also hide upper part of the thigh under her upper body/stomach or otherwise blend it better, it could help.

Overall very good image, no work gone waste here..

(5 years and 3520 days ago)

no avatar
Widiar says:

Good improvements, looking much more harmonic now and the shadows are a lot better. The smaller front wheel is missing a bit from the top, also the roofs edge could be finished with a bit more care. Good job, nice to see you took the time to fix and improve.

(5 years and 3520 days ago)

Tractor and Trailer
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Widiar says:

The frame and background is a bit boring, but pretty good job otherwise. You cropped the original picture quite nicely. There is a lot of noise on the canal image, so you should maybe add some noise to your waterfall as well, to blend it better. You should maybe try adding some more stuff, from the waterfall image perhaps or something else. Pretty ok so far, thou the frame edge where the waterfall starts could use some minor tweaking, the masking isn't as good as it can be. Watch out especially for the sides.

(5 years and 3521 days ago)

Leaking Canal
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Widiar says:

As the BG is only thing with low res (8bit) this reminds me more of a game poster or game diskette box cover than actual game/screenshot.. but it's good work, nevertheless.

(5 years and 3521 days ago)