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Agree with the rest of the flog here. Change the background, fix shadows (they're a bit dark/excessive anyways) and it will be awesome. Holding my vote here..
(5 years and 3523 days ago)Very nice image. The repeating and maybe a bit too sharp trees aren't on the same level with your main figure, which is really good. Nice colours and I like those blurry details. If you can break down the BG symmetry a little bit, it'll make it much more pleasant, maybe just twist and warp those foreground treest a little bit. Good work..
(5 years and 3523 days ago)MUCH better... good improvements.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Just trying to help.. for me this is one of the best ideas so far on this contest. It's a sign of a good entry usually, if people comment it a lot and give ideas to make it even better.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Not that complex as it first seems. Very nice outcome thou, you've got a good eye for this kind of things. From the colours I could make an educated guess who is this by, but not gonna vote yet and see
Thou it's very nice and harmonic this way, I would still like to see something more on the background.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Good work, hi-res looks very nice and clean.
Yeah, less opaque and more transparent, my bad, thanks for clearing that up, CMYK
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Excellent work and SBS too. Very nice colours and some nice handwork. A Good vote coming from here..
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Very impressive work. Good handling of the liquify tool. Personally I would have left a bit more of the original skin colour show through, especially with the very strong eye colour, but it's awesome work.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Simple and clever. Looks pretty nice, I would maybe add a bit of contrast for the fishes and corals. If you want to make it more realistic, you should work with the bubbles a little. A bit more opaque and change the hue a bit. Very clever idea, wouldn't have thought myself.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Yeah. Very cool, but needs definitely some work with perspective. Especially the lower left buildings left edge needs some major tweaking. You should add the 'missing' windows and maybe lose the windows from the sharp edge and let it be steel or cover it with windowless skyscraper material or something. Definitely worth working a bit more.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Haha.. I was first like 'Oh shit.. some stupid dog heads copy pasted with a filter..' .. then I opened the entry and it was a lot better.. thank God. Very clever idea. I would maybe bend them a little to either way to make them appear even more like a slide. But it's a good image. It's so rare to see some meaningful use for the motion blur
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Whoa, that was quick. There are still some minor tweaks, but let's wait what others have to say. Looking a lot better into my eyes already, now it's easier to grasp the idea of your box and screen. I like how people are innovative and try new ways of creating OOB images, this is one of the good tries. Remember we only give suggestions according to our taste, thou sometimes there are some 'laws' like with lightning and shadows. I always appreciate when ppl try and improve the pictures. You can always say 'I tried, but it didn't work or made it worse' for my comments, I'm sure some of my/our ideas sucks totally when we see the end results
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Yeah.. it's a bit symmetrical. But not that much of a problem. I would lose the hair below its eyes and show some ears to make it appear a bit more realistic. Very nice idea and indeed a dramatic effect..
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Nice flowers, but you could organize them a little bit, to make a better composition. Now it seems like they're just laying there randomly without some aesthetic form. You could also try to make some nice leaves for them, would give some extra % from me. I would also perhaps move the few blurry flowers to the background and give more attention for the sharp ones.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Very good idea, but the execution needs a lot of work. Without the title I wouldn't know what is going on. You need to make the profile more clear.. maybe try to find some human source with a nice position like this and then use it as a guide or skin it with different blend modes with the rock layer. Seeing a raised hand or some fingers or something would help ppl to identify this as a human form. (I'm assuming it's a human form golem/elemental) .. (As an epic level AD&D player I should be able to recognize one, after all
(5 years and 3524 days ago)There are some very good parts, but the overall image looks quite messy and it's difficult to grasp the concept. I would lose the ground from the 'roof' part and leave only the clouds hanging there. Could also help, if you would blend only a finger or two of the hand into the 'screen' .. Cover the black background with something and fix the blurriness of the table and screen from the left side - and the perspective for the table - and this will be a good one.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)There is something definitely cute here.. 0.o .. you should think about the blend of the roofs for your house. Which one of them should be in front, which in back and whether to lose the opaque for those layers. Also those 2 half-cut roofs needs some better blending with the rest of the house. Funny and cute, but could use some more work. Also maybe add some trees/plants or something etc..
(5 years and 3524 days ago)Pretty cool design. If you could blend the tail section a bit better and soften the edges of clouds covering the 'basket' it would look much better. I would also reduce the glow on the head just a tiny bit (around the breathing hole), so it would look more like the rest of the picture. Looks like a picture for a story book, very nice work.
(5 years and 3524 days ago)The sharpener has an odd,almost opaque like look.. but dunno if it's bad thou nor whether it's intentional. Very nice work and funny idea, very good SBS too. High vote from here.
(5 years and 3525 days ago)Good improvements.
(5 years and 3528 days ago)Would look better, if you would separate the joints a bit and add some space and shadow there.. maybe even something some skeletal parts inside.. but awesome work here anyways. (Extra % for the barcode ..)
(5 years and 3528 days ago)Unfortunately I have to agree with the rest of the flog here.. would be better without the nails. But very good work with the bowl..
(5 years and 3528 days ago)Yeah.. the body is very good. Head and hair.. dunno.. needs shadow, as the rest of the picture has it. The boots are a bit excessive, but well.. her arms are a bit on the small side, but overall, very nice work.
(5 years and 3528 days ago)I don't generally appreciate pictures from where you can't see almost nothing of the original source. But a lot of skillful work, nevertheless. If you would warp the white petals/leaves of red flowers it would look better, they're so even and artificial looking right now. Very nice outcome, as always..
(5 years and 3528 days ago)Nice colours. The wheel flowers and the BG are very nice, the main flowers are a bit heavy and the blend with the stem could be a bit more subtle. Very nice image overall..
(5 years and 3528 days ago)Very nice work, but I would add some scenery showing from the tunnel opening too. The white, bright doorway now gives a feel of unfinished job. Good SBS too, thanks for that.
(5 years and 3528 days ago)Very nice image. It has maybe even too much details for a watercolour painting (the angel and stuff) but.. let's decide it's very big painting, so we can have all your fine details. Very cool design, hi vote from me..
(5 years and 3528 days ago)Pretty cool composition. You could try to achieve a bit more realistic skin for them, at least something not so blurry. Also the eyes needs some work, as now it looks like the eye has been pasted on top of the mask.. should try some light shadows. I'm not sure where the first man's arm is, but it seems like the leaves are between his necklace (which is very cool btw) and skin.. which shouldn't be the case, I think. Thou if it's also part of the camouflage like with others, I think it would be better if the leaves would cover some parts of the necklace too. I like the shield too.. ninzaaaaaaz...
(5 years and 3529 days ago)I was almost blinded by the reflection from the ladders.. very nice and clean work, looks very realistic.
(5 years and 3529 days ago)I was kind of hoping to see facebook or something on the screen. I agree with CMYK about the shadow, at least it would be pretty mild as the screen is glowing on the background. I like that foggy thing and the colours, reminds me of some rense.com's weekly illustrations.
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Too bad I didn't see the changes you made, but the outcome looks very good into my eyes now. The jawline looks very good and believable, thou I would have figured the nose to be a bit more wider and heavier. Very nice blend overall, quite nice job with the skin toning too..
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Pretty nice composition, but you should do something about the extreme blurriness of the castle itself. At least sharpen the edges on the top and especially the doorway, as the dragons themselves are pretty crisp and clear. It has a nice scale and colours, you could add some of that fog in front of the middle part of the castle and top, if you can't make it appear more clear. But I think you can at least improve it a little without a fog too.
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Top job.. would make some bad-ass commercial poster with zero effort. Excellent work.
(5 years and 3530 days ago)A lot of work here and definitely not in vain.. very nice image and textures. (And a good SBS too). I would love to see some trees or street view or something behind the fence, but it's just a minor detail really... add a flower to the vase(s) and a candle or bulb inside the lamps and I'm all sold. (Well, I am already..) Great job, author..
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Go with Warlock's suggestions. So much better with a smaller zipper, good improvements..
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Very Salvador Dalish(tm) .. nice colours and design, thou I have to say I would love to see some random piece flying or walking or.. rolling.. or standing there.. besides the oranges. Good job overall.
(5 years and 3530 days ago)The flying apple has some mask work to do, you can see some extra there.. nice bubbles and room, but agree about the fruit bowl. It's flat and distorted, should fix it a bit.
(5 years and 3530 days ago)A bit lazy work with all of the leaves being almost exact duplicates. But the overall design is very cool and stylish, very good colour choices. I can easily vision this to be on some large public space on a white wall, people passing by and saying 'pretty cool pic there..'
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Much better now. I still disagree about the boots, but I won't punish you for having your artistic freedom with that. The fur looks better with higher contrast and the shadows too. You could give a very slight burn tool or something for the belt edges and if you could make the sword blade just a bit more sharp and clean looking, it would help too. Good job with the improvements..
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Very good use of the source. If you could just fit someone (or something) IN there, it would be so awesome.. not that it wouldn't be awesome like this too. Just would like to see some limbs or something..
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Good job with the wings, looking so much better now..
(5 years and 3530 days ago)It's pretty difficult to achieve very high contrasts with watercolours (for apparent reasons) without making the colours very dark and dull at the same moment. The sky is indeed very good here, thou the overall feeling is a bit to the oil painting side.. but very good work overall, definitely worth watching the hi-res..
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Agreed.. great work, great title. I would actually go with some more shadows for the outer pieces and add more contrast/levels for the cover parts, as his internals(tm) have a lot more contrast, as does the bg-bushes. With a better overall lightning this will look even better.
(5 years and 3530 days ago)Hilarious expression and great idea, gonna vote later if there comes some small tweaks. Good work..
Pretty nice scale on the things. But I would make the wings a lot bigger and work with the edges of the wings, as well as making them non-transparent. Could add some bones/veins or something on them to make them more realistic. They look pretty much cut/copy/paste/too big pencil when cleaning the edges now. Or you could try inner shadow effect for the wings. There are also some bit careless masking of the edges. Work with the windows and there is a major left-over from a colour mask on the right edge of middle part.. some dark trash there. Nice colours and eye sockets, worth working a bit more..
(5 years and 3531 days ago)I raised this issue on the forum, hopefully people will discuss it further there. I know some people will agree and many will attack me or disagree. In no way I wish to attack Geexman nor discredit his very good skills, as the voters are here to 'blame' .. if there is something to blame. I'm very much ok, if Geexman wishes to remove my comments as being insulting, which I hope it is not..
(5 years and 3531 days ago)Splendid idea. Gotta agree with previous commentators. A smaller zipper and better blending with the orange. Crop the image (to make it appear larger) and add some little extra the background and this will be a good one.
(5 years and 3531 days ago)Must agree with Warlock. Work with the masks and edges and there is also a huge edge showing part of the dress on her left arm (right side on the screen). The shoes and socks also need some work, shoes especially need some more details. (And agree about the stockings too).
(5 years and 3531 days ago)A good idea worth working a bit more..
Pretty clever.. I know the boots aren't meant to fit, but they're still a bit TOO large for my taste. A bit more work with the colours and stuff and it'll be very good.
(5 years and 3531 days ago)Gotta love the design and composition here. If you could work a bit more with the blending of those things to the skin (and the edges of the man) this will be much better. You could try using a bit of warp and smudge tool with the skin perhaps, not just try to blend with the shadows. Nice colours too..
(5 years and 3531 days ago)Sorry for the double comment, freaking net is hanging up on me again
(5 years and 3531 days ago)