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Pretty nice work. I would prefer a bit more dark blue sky to give some contrast for your flowers and birds especially, but this is good.
(5 years and 3531 days ago)Pretty nice work. I would prefer a bit more dark blue sky to give some contrast for your flowers and birds especially, but this is good.
(5 years and 3531 days ago)Sorry for saying this mate, but I don't think this work deserved the 3rd place. All praise to your wicked humour (loved the SBS too), but I find this kind of voting to be very unfair for the ppl who did a lot of work on this contest too. I hope you don't take bad feelings for me, I truly like your other chops... just wanted everyone to know how I feel, just to be honest. I never leave comments after vote results usually.
(5 years and 3531 days ago)I don't really enjoy the material of the chess pieces, but the water, reflection and all the rest is very nice work.
(5 years and 3533 days ago)I was instantly looking for the tail rotors as well.. but maybe they're meant that way, as it's not a perfect MACHINE after all. Only other eye sore is the small white mask edge line behind her calf and knee. Good work with PS and mind too..
(5 years and 3533 days ago)Could use some heavier shading and contrast here and there, but overall this is pretty impressing work. A lot of nice details. Very good job, author.
(5 years and 3533 days ago)So many high quality entries on this contest. Eagerly waiting to see your SBS. Very nice outcome at least..
(5 years and 3536 days ago)Yeah. Real ppl instead of silhouettes.You should work with the sign too, not very stylish at the moment. The colours and font looks like a cheap oriental junkfood shop or something
(5 years and 3536 days ago)Not sure about the random still green leaves here and there.. colours are otherwise very good and the overall composition is very nice in all its simplicity.
(5 years and 3536 days ago)The 'halo' around her body looks like a sloppy masking. There are several other masking errors around the picture which can be seen around the background. Also her hips are party transparent, as well as the columns top.. and edges, which are pretty carelessly masked as well. Lose the transparency, clean the edges and dirty spots and this will make a nice image with a bit of handwork and colour corrections.
(5 years and 3536 days ago)Oh, I forgot to say. Be sure to check all those water 3D contest entries and SBS' for additional hints
(5 years and 3537 days ago)I think the blood texture is just a bit too 'bumpy' and especially on the lower part it should be thinner and with a bit more dribbles. I would go for some basic 3D max liquid tutorials first. I'm not in any way saying your blood texture bad, it's just a bit plastic looking into my eyes. With a bit of darker shade, a bit thinner and some dribbles on it, it could look pretty good. Maybe it's just a matter of finding a proper blood texture with a more flow like shadows instead. (So many nice ready to use plugins for 3D softwares, haven't never even tried myself).
(5 years and 3537 days ago)If you can't tackle the blood problem, you could maybe add some other suggested enhancements, maybe it will make the whole picture look better and more 'realistic'.
We're getting political here, it seems. Pretty nice idea. The nail could maybe be a bit more shiny and there could be a slight fracture or something from where it goes in. The blood should be a few degrees darker and it looks a bit plastic where it meets the floor. You could add a shadow for the whole thing too and for the extra eggs on the corner. Nice thinking with the idea..
(5 years and 3537 days ago)I read it to say 'fool' art first.. don't think I like the overly saturated purple colour, but pretty nice work overall. A close shot image of a small floating piece of that iceberg or something somewhere around would make this more interesting. Or maybe you could use that ice (or create new, see through ice) texture to fill our fool.. err.. cool text.
(5 years and 3537 days ago)Now I really want to see the coloured version as well. Must give extra 3% for your witty and authentic description. One of the ash drops (w'ever they're actually called) in front of the honourable master's arm looks like you mistakenly cut a part of his arm, you could maybe darken the drop or remove it. Nice work.
(5 years and 3537 days ago)I would like to see a bit more work with the background, I do like the composition a lot. Maybe use only the foreground of the bg-image and add some moody sky or something. But nice work here, looks much better on hi-res.
(5 years and 3537 days ago)To be honest, I don't like the original source nor most of the works on this contest.. but at least this has some kind of funny idea behind it. Gonna vote later when I know what to think about this whole contest. Good thinking...
(5 years and 3537 days ago)Other than maybe partially blending some of the birds with the sky/clouds/fog, not much to whine about here. Very clean chop, nice colours and even tells us something about the theme.. would make a lovely poster on a wall, good job.(Oh, while I'm at it.. 2 of the foremost birds seem to have a strange flying course compared to the rest. I have no idea why it bothers me that much, would look better if you would rotate them just a tiny bit to the left..)
(5 years and 3537 days ago)Sorry for my harsh comment. But if you get a nice desert/sand image or something and blend it good and do some minor fixing, this will be a great entry.
(5 years and 3537 days ago)The head, eyes and other stuff is pretty cool, but the background and lower part blending is pretty bad. Should get a good source for your BG.. the excess blur just makes the snake body look even more copy paste now.
(5 years and 3538 days ago)I would like to see some uniqueness on the choppers. Different angles with rotorblades/frames, different colours and stuff. Very good work overall thou..
(5 years and 3538 days ago)I would like it even more, if you clean up that chopper from the source-image showing on the background. Pretty nice idea, in all it's simplicity.
(5 years and 3538 days ago)Some variations on the colours would help it to look more detailed and human/robot alike. At least a bit more contrast on the head/arms area and it would stand up from the background even more efficiently. Very nice work. I'm sure many ppl will dislike the 100% symmetry of the main figure, but personally.. I don't care. Looks good anyways.
(5 years and 3538 days ago)Would love to see the source of SBS for the 3D face as well. Quite interesting work, good even..
(5 years and 3538 days ago)Yeah.. a bad chop but a good fun. Very accurate commenting especially ,-) Thx for the humor moment of the day.
(5 years and 3538 days ago)Pretty nice work. There is a mask edge showing on the lower right part of the feathers, should fix that. Also the beak could be a bit darker colour and with cleaner edges - and maybe the eyes on the tail feathers a bit more bright. Raise the level of blue and yellow on them and it will look better I think.
(5 years and 3538 days ago)Awesome work. Looks very authentic.Only the juice drops are missing.. Good job here.
(5 years and 3538 days ago)Well, I'm assuming it's a glass texture and it would look a lot better with something showing through. But anyways, the piece itself is very good work, solid and clean.
(5 years and 3540 days ago)MUCH better now. You could try a _very light_ shadow for the window border, even thou the light in here is very ambient, to make the frame blend with the glass a little better. You should check out the rightmost part of the windows, the frame in the middle and bottom needs some masking work to make them even. This is already starting to look very good. (Nice work with the flowers also, now that I gave them a good look on hi-res..)
(5 years and 3540 days ago)(Well, any kind of background. Be it a table, a satin cushion, some clothing or anything else..)
(5 years and 3540 days ago)I'm repeating myself here.. but 90% of the pictures need a proper background.. and this is one of them. Make a nice, clean and colorful chessboard and this will look so much better. You can also show your skills with the board.The piece itself is very clean and nicely done.
(5 years and 3540 days ago)Nice rain effect and colours, but don't like the composition that much. I would prefer narrow and high window instead, or at least the vase be shorter and roses a bit more longer. Now the vase looks huge compared to window - and the flowers a bit short.
(5 years and 3540 days ago)Extremely good chop. Gotta love those 'hand leaves' especially.. Good work here, author..
(5 years and 3540 days ago)Fix the blurry neck and left arm mask edge and this is pretty nice. Even green teeth fits the theme .. ,-)
(5 years and 3540 days ago)The landscape colour is pretty ok if the sky would be a bit lighter shade.. at least here in Finland at summertime you can have that kind of landscape easily. But the masking is pretty sloppy, especially with the trees.. should be way better on this level entry..
(5 years and 3540 days ago)You should rethink her shadow, as the light source seem to be on upper left corner according the rock(s). The shadow is a tiny bit too strong anyways. Nice colours and mood here.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)I don't know if very settle shadows under her legs would be too much to ask on this kind of hand drawing. But a very good work here, looks authentic.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)Would look n+x percent better still, if you could fit something inside the glass building.. be they those plants, humans, machines or anything. Also the empty yard right next to the dome is yelling me 'use me for something!' .. very elegant design, with small modifications will make an awesome entry.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)Would be awesome, if you could make your skelly look a bit more 'realistic' .. worn her bones up a little and especially make her skull look a bit more realistic. Lose the straight cut line and make some real cracks to it, etc. Very good idea - and a good aphorism too.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)Nice work. I would lighten up the horns a little, now they almost go unnoticed. On the other hand, the demon himself could get some extra contrast/colour on his skin, he looks a bit pale, like almost an albino demon. (Nice work with the heart, almost missed it..)
(5 years and 3542 days ago)Haha.. awesome..Very nice work with the warrior, with pickle shield and all. The warrior is a little bit less shiny than the rest of your mustard, but otherwise this is really cool, simple and good.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)I would also lose the cracks. A bit sloppy work with the masking, especially with the inner part of your mirror/painting frame, should fix that. I would also lose that part of ground/root on the right side of the couch, looks weird. Also the water level below the pier is a bit higher than on the rest of the image. Maybe also add some contrast to the ocean image on the painting (and even straighten the horizon with the frame.. dunno about that thou).
(5 years and 3542 days ago)Good colours and composition, just a little bit hasty work.
I gave it a closer look now. 2 bigger fishes on the foreground looks pretty good. I would maybe change the stripe colours for the ones on the back, as they attend to blend in a bit too much with the similar coloured sky. The concept is still one of the best on this contest, at least for my taste
(5 years and 3542 days ago)Would look better with either diagonal or horizontal blend. Like both moon and sun on the same sky mixing the landscape of night and day. Or A night sky blending horizontally to a daytime landscape etc.. pretty good idea thou.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)The reflection of the sun could use some more work. Maybe distort it a little bit more and give it a sort of ripple texture or something.. could blend more to right on the water. Hopefully it's not an optical illusion, but the gray shade on the right side of the tree looks darker than on the left side.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)I think it would look more awesome, if you could relocate your sun to almost middle of the picture, showing little bit behind the black tree silhouette but still somewhat on the left. Would be nice contrast.
Pretty nice work for this being a new technique for you.
You should remove the wire and replace the part where it goes through the leaves, it looks like there is no trunk at all. Also the colours are little bit off, the branches should be a little more brown/reddish in hue. The leaves should be either in behind or in front of the branch, not sort of see through.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)Very nice composition from such a simple elements. Seems to be rooted now and looks good.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)Whoa..pretty simple, yet so powerful. Everyone seems to think very differently of the theme, but that's what the point of the imagination is, after all. Very nice idea. No time to examine the image closer right now, just wanted to tell you it's a great idea.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)I would prefer a little bit less trippy background, but your wand of wonders is pretty cool. Not very easy to handle, if you don't want to break those roses when taking a grip thou
Nice work with the tips of the wand from the leaves.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)If you expand the house without a vertical mirror it would look a lot better in my opinion. Also if you can fix the right, missing part of the bridge, would be good. Maybe use that railing on the original picture or something. Very beautiful picture otherwise, nice colours and mood.
(5 years and 3542 days ago)