Say Cheese

For: through glasses 2 contest
Thanks a lot for your comments. I chose to follow Vibeke's opinion so there is negative space on the right side of the frame so even there is nothing there is technically more correct (the eye of the viewer begins from the treasure chest & ends on the negative space & not the other way arou...
For: light below contest
For: one window contest
The so-called "Patio de las Doncellas",part of the "Palacio de Don Pedro" from one of the wonderfully decorated rooms of the Royal Alcazar in Seville. The Alcazar of Seville was originally a Moorish fort. Its construction was ordered by Abd Al Rahman III, emir and caliph of C...
For: palace contest
T2i (handheld) 11mm -2ev, 0, +2ev Photomatix Pro 3 Photoshop CS5
For: three hdr contest
Canon 20D 11mm -2ev, 0ev, +2ev Custom WB
For: three hdr contest
time is thinking so loud...but its happened in split second.
For: passing time contest
For: max color 2 contest
For: movie scenes contest
Missed the cut off for stick figures.... so put it here. LOL
Inside the Louvre Pyramid
For: pyramids contest
A collision shot of two drops of water. Plain tap water in the bowl and a black food dye in the drops.