Not our war

For: bald eagle contest
Thanks to mjranum-stock, tracie76stock, its-only-stock, germanstock, bakanekonei & valentine-fov-stock for the stock images
Thanks to mjranum, absurdwordpreferred, night-fate-stock, vio-stock & FrankWolfePhotograph for the stock images
Used only source image provided
For: kraft contest
Thanks to mjranum, erisabesu-kuro-gosai, meihua-stock, prints-of-stock, night-fate-stock and AbsurdWordPreferred for the stock photos.
I used the following animals: A Rhinoceros A lion An Iguana A Ring-Tailed Lemur Feel free to look at the sources.
For: four animals contest
I made the disks and the light trails myself. Please see the SBS. To check in Hi-Res for better detail.
Check hi-res for better details. Thanks to mjranum-stock from Deviantart for the photo of the girl.
For: new tattoo contest
For: joecacia contest