12 comments received ( finished contests only ):
avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:

Congrats, #1!

(5 years and 1302 days ago)

avatar patty
patty says:

Congrats on 1st

(5 years and 1303 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:

Congratulations on 1st place.

(5 years and 1303 days ago)

avatar friiskiwi
friiskiwi says:


(5 years and 1308 days ago)

avatar rturnbow
rturnbow says:


(5 years and 1317 days ago)

Entry number 95956
avatar Verikakis
Verikakis says:

Beautiful !

(5 years and 1317 days ago)

Entry number 95956
no avatar
GDSimpson says:

Fantastic light

(5 years and 1436 days ago)

Entry number 94193
avatar BeSea
BeSea says:

Wish I was there. Lovely photo.

(5 years and 1460 days ago)

Kos island
avatar gibbsld
gibbsld says:

This is really nice

(5 years and 1460 days ago)

Asfediou Sunset moments