Charged Bunny

For: easter 2018 contest
Please look at Hi-Res image. All source except the texture.
For: night table contest
For: laboratory bottle contest
The guy on the right was smoothed out with a technique called "Frequency Separation". The cracks under the mail sign were made using his eye wrinkles. Letters for mail sign were copy/pasted from the "mail sign" source image and rearranged.
For: letters contest
Combines an armadillo and a crab. Put it on a cement background with some pillars. Sine the armadillo had no visible eyes, I used some frog eyes so he can see. He's mean. Don't go near him.
For: animal mashup 2018 contest
It's a rare creature which has the DNA of a mix of animals which can live under water, on land and fly in the air. It can also survive in space and on any planet. It has the ability to adapt to any environment very quickly. Beware, it has electrical shock abilities and oozes some bluish green poison...
For: animal mashup 2018 contest
How to get the food out of the bottle?
For: laboratory bottle contest
Ive always wanted to live in a fish. Umm.... not really :). Put the path on the grass and made her a lovely fish to live in. Added a sky, flag, birds, and scarecrow too.
For: wooden mill contest
For: insect mutations 2018 contest
Additional sources Antenna Turbine Smoke
For: science fiction 2017 contest
A heavy composite made from 32 source images. Please look at SBS. It's pretty cool. For some reason the image looks a bit fuzzy in this preview, so have a look at the Hi-res. . . More Sources: . (Grasshoper Weather Vane - Adam Fagen) h...
For: agaric contest
Yes, I see you and your great big huge black thing pointing at me and I'm gonna have a heart attack if you don't go away. Please GET OUTTA MY SIGHT.
For: green 2 contest
A scary scene. Check out SBS.
Additional source: Girl - RachgracehStock
For: single eye contest
street artist
For: make up 3 contest
Please view image in hi-res. For some reason it makes it very soft when viewed normally. Captured from Earth, the Little Green Men are taking him to their home Planet. Poor old geezer. We need to help him. Mods please note in the SBS I said that I made the smoke brush. I didn\'t, and have added the...
Original is in SBS 1. image was cropped 2. changed to bw 3. white vignette 4. oil paint filter
For: Birds 5 contest
For: stork contest