6 comments given:
avatar abbegaill
abbegaill says:

this looks like a real book cover already. it suits the title! good job.

(5 years and 2587 days ago)

The little prince
avatar abbegaill
abbegaill says:

yay! they look really really really cute!!!! OMG!!

(5 years and 2589 days ago)

Ready for Action!
avatar abbegaill
abbegaill says:

so deep

(5 years and 2605 days ago)

the call of our mother
avatar abbegaill
abbegaill says:

this is awesome!

(5 years and 2605 days ago)

Take my Hand
avatar abbegaill
abbegaill says:

yah. i can feel his sadness in here.. TTT^TTT
the brightness of the tears for me is okay, because it highlights the loneliness.

(5 years and 2605 days ago)

Behind the scary mask
avatar abbegaill
abbegaill says:

hahaha! this is awesome! run gingerbread, run!!!

(5 years and 2618 days ago)

A Sweet Escape