dc-3 start your engines

please let me know what you think.
For: movement contest
please let me know what you think.
For: movement contest
First time doing something like this. Learned something new. Comments are very much appreciated!
many layers were used to create the "freezing effect" please comment Thanks for viewing and voting
For: strawberries contest
Enjoyed this quite a bit; however it proved extremely challenging and almost beyond what I have taught myself in photoshop. I kept with it. Please comment to let me know what you think! Thanks
For: pandoras box contest
pool balls made into different chocolates. The white on the striped balls and around the numbers are white chocolate. The parts that were originally colored are now milk chocolate. The numbers and the 8 are dark chocolate. Constructive critique is encoraged.
delicious hand in poker. Comments appreciated! Thank you to zanaca at Flickr for the source image.
beautiful car covered in chocolate. It doesn't get any better than this.... View full res before commenting and voting please. Compression kills. Please comment :D
I had a vision when I created this one. 4 clothing changes later and there's an argument going on about her driving ;). Driver is choking out the passenger, "motherly figure" is telling them to get out now and go to their room, and the other one is about to rip her hair out. Lots of fun...
For: cloning time contest
I took these pictures and tried to put them together back around 4th of July, but was unaware of how to do so and it was horrible (no shadows and very jagged layers). I have since learned about masks and other things so I figured I would give it another go. Hope you enjoy, and constructive critic...
For: cloning time contest
Brilliant buddah statue falling apart.
My first entry here is my son turned into a pineapple. Techniques used.... Rotated angle of head since original was tilted to the side. Changed hue/saturation as well as color balance to blend the face into the pineapple. Multiple copies of the face were used including the eyes and mouth...
For: pineapple contest