3376 comments given:
avatar adeincyprus

Congratulations on your 1st place my friend.......

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

Arabian Nights
avatar adeincyprus

Congratulations on your 2nd...........well done.

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

Baby, You
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Congratulations on your 3rd, well done

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

the mask
avatar adeincyprus

in the hi res, there are some strange lines and marks to the left of the corner point, also, I would have thought that the 'halo' at the corner would have been stronger and darker, like an 'eclipse' effect

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

some bad cloning work around the head too.......

(5 years and 3634 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

too much surrounding area, and the highlights top right are blown. good effort.

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

On Cloth
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spot on with the lighting, that is exactly what it is.........non directional means no directional shadows, even spread of light etc.

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Amethyst Ring
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the stone is lost in the chippings

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

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trashed??............looks in normal working order for a phone booth...........lol

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Trashed phone booth
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I agree with the lighting comment, but a nice shot all the same

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Amethyst Ring
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'dude'......I didn't say you made them sit there!

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

Picnic Time..
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the sharpest point of focus that I can see is on the head of the boy at the back......

(5 years and 3635 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

very artisitic.....well done.

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

the mask
avatar adeincyprus

most excellent work...well done author.

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

nice effort, though I agree with kyricom, I would not have recognised this as an amethyst if you hadn't said....

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

yeh great, let's sit two dozen kids on the edge of a pond...........brilliant idea..........lol

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Picnic Time..
avatar adeincyprus

excellent, although a little contrast would work here, imo......

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

My Sunday Service
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nice effort, a little fuzzy though.

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Waiting on the parade...
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good catch.

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

General Conference
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nice effort, but it is a little out of focus

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

excellent..........that puts my idea out the window then..........well done.

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

I do
avatar adeincyprus

can we see a hi res please.....

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

agree with blur comment, but not all shots need to be straight.......

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Forty storey high
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a little noisy......

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

yes, I agree, the top could go.

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Lots of lights
avatar adeincyprus

yes, I agree.......that would have made this 100 per cent better still!

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

Just before dawn
avatar adeincyprus

good, but just a little too much red for my taste........

(5 years and 3636 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

lovely shot, but just what is the specific daily need here.......aprt from a larger dress for the young lady, this one clearly does not fit her too well..... lol

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

Red needs
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you could have read the guidelines, it say so in there............!

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

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I would say this is the first fully on theme entry in the contest.......

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

feeling the pressure
avatar adeincyprus

agreed, but the glass here is totally invisible.......you could have been in the water with the fruit it is so clear!

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

bubbly ever after
avatar adeincyprus

Off topic..........No people or animals allowed in the image, there is a people in this!

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

there are 3 orbs that I can see.......a green one that is obvious, one light blue lower left of the green one, and another lighter colored one high right of the green one.....they are in a line, which does indicate lens flare..

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

Stony Mere Church
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sorry, but this looks like a post edit graduated filter has been used!

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

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Lamantine, while I agree with you about this being a great shot, these are your own words............ the goal in fact is to take a shot of anything which is on glass or pressed against glass for it to seem to be floating or pressing against something invisible...........so, is this shot on them, or off?..... The bubbles are clearly on the fruit...not the glass, and the fruit is floating, but not against the glass, which cannot actually be seen at all.

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

bubbly ever after
avatar adeincyprus

looks like a little lens flare has crept in..........

(5 years and 3637 days ago)

Stony Mere Church
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a hig res is always good to see..............

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

Showing Off....
avatar adeincyprus

this does not look anything like the type of infrared image I was expecting to see here......

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

Jaws, Melanie is right asking if the author actually took this shot, as if they didn't, then it is not allowed to be entered. It is not too easy to make out who is in the shot, so imo, anonymity is not at risk here.

(5 years and 3638 days ago)

Pole Climbing
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was this shot behind a sheet or curtain of some sort?

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

Arabian Nights
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some people, me included, do not like symmetry.........it is not always necessary! I do agree with the darkening comment though.

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

a heart
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sorry, it is, as Kiwi says, out of focus......

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

the one !
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(5 years and 3639 days ago)

Sea side
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excellent........it looks like something from deep space........

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

Aura of the Night
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nice concept..........the framing could have been better, rather than just a shot of a toilet roll.......

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

We all need it :)
avatar adeincyprus

I agree with you Jaws, this is, imo, defo on theme......

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

glass window
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no, you saw one very similar, I remember it too........the pepper was a different color.

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

Green and Yellow.
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I agree.......you don't see the window, but you do see what is on it!

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

Calamity Jane
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this one is not dried out, the eyes are still in place, they are usually one of the first things to go.

(5 years and 3639 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

works for me author..............no difference that I can see...........pardon the pun....

(5 years and 3640 days ago)

Cleaning Glass