3376 comments given:
avatar adeincyprus

the lense wasn't touched with feng shui...........

(5 years and 3652 days ago)

feng shui
avatar adeincyprus

very nicely done......good luck.

(5 years and 3652 days ago)

red wine
avatar adeincyprus

perfect composition.................

(5 years and 3652 days ago)

Still life
avatar adeincyprus

excellent composition, well done.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

The Basket of Plenty
avatar adeincyprus

lol.............thinking outside the box............excellent.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

easy fruit
avatar adeincyprus

good effort, but it is a litle oof.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

feng shui
avatar adeincyprus

well done you.............congrats on taking down the man!!... you know he will come back after you now...

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

The Artisan
avatar adeincyprus

beautiful capture...........very well done.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

A Moment
avatar adeincyprus

very colorful..........

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

cool shot..........

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

be even nicer if we could see it all.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

Austrian  flag
avatar adeincyprus

shot is noisy....could also use some contrast to make it a little deeper.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

Flag and mountains
avatar adeincyprus

like the curve in this, great capture

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

In front of the public library
avatar adeincyprus

lovely crisp capture, well done author.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

Flag of the Byzantine Empire
avatar adeincyprus

very crisp...........good work.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

Still life, Peaches
avatar adeincyprus

mmm, that is quite obvious, but I guess you had your reasons.

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

I see no beauty in decay..........!

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

Beauty of Decaying
avatar adeincyprus

and also lose the label..........

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

We are so blessed!
avatar adeincyprus

very clever.............

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

6:00 am...
avatar adeincyprus

imo, the shot would have been better without them..

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

could hav e been closer to the open melon, and also a little deeper color would have been nice...

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

Red watermelon
avatar adeincyprus

very noisy...

(5 years and 3653 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

the high res disputes that..........it shows as oof all over!

(5 years and 3654 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

.....You never fail to amaze and impress me with your photographic skills and imagination...........keep up the good work......

(5 years and 3654 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

nice effort.......but, the flash is too harsh, and there are disturbing prints on the glass......

(5 years and 3654 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

excellent work as usual............keep it up.

(5 years and 3654 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

explanation please.......

(5 years and 3656 days ago)

Jump in parachute
avatar adeincyprus

you had these problems at the time of the climb?

(5 years and 3656 days ago)

Chichen Itza
avatar adeincyprus

very dark.............

(5 years and 3656 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

this was removed from a previous contest for being PS'd..........

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

lovely catch, well done.

(5 years and 3657 days ago)

A four year old pianist
avatar adeincyprus

not so much about the bird..!!

(5 years and 3663 days ago)

The tenor
avatar adeincyprus

hi resplease

(5 years and 3663 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

oustanding work............

(5 years and 3663 days ago)

You like ?
avatar adeincyprus

was thinking that myself..........looks like she was watching the camera as well as munching on goodies...

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

Caught redhanded
avatar adeincyprus

yes, and as this looks to be a muslim environment............he must have had a secret stash........and the lady in the doorway looks to be saying...........'WTF are you lot doing in my house..........I only went to get groceries.....'....

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

off guard_4b85a6a804781
avatar adeincyprus

I agree, the liitl'un is not aware of the cam at all, just looking at something far more interesting...

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

wow..i want those
avatar adeincyprus

...'come any closer young man and I will batter you with my reinforced handbag..........'...lol

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

I Have No Money!!
avatar adeincyprus

no hi res?

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

My Eyes
avatar adeincyprus

or hasn't finished...............

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

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not curls, these are spirals..........the pasta is known as 'spirale'

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

Tasty too
avatar adeincyprus

should be a daffodil in this shot...

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

Not Just Plumbers
avatar adeincyprus

very much out of focus

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

lets make it luk dwn wards
avatar adeincyprus

I don't know why people keep getting hung up on horizons and angles all the time...sometimes an angle can add something to the shot, and make it work!!!

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

This is Gunna Hurt!
avatar adeincyprus

not showing much of a laugh here, you cannot really see it!

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

She thought it was funny
avatar adeincyprus

what was the laughter about?

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

non-stop haha
avatar adeincyprus

can we see the hi res please..........

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

Live, Laugh, Love
avatar adeincyprus

good work, well done.

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

mmm, which one is which..........

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

Naughty or Nice
avatar adeincyprus

don't see nothing odd about these at all...........a pair of ornaments!!

(5 years and 3664 days ago)

Adam & Eve