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no, I think the presence of the buildings adds a sort of 'menace' feel to the cloud.......like......"the aliens are coming"...........lol
(5 years and 3716 days ago)lol..........yeh, I guess it will......
(5 years and 3716 days ago)I think there is a copyright issue here..........you need to change the brand name!!
(5 years and 3717 days ago)this is superb work, although I am confused as to why the bag chain is in gold on the b/w image...........it is almost too good!
(5 years and 3717 days ago)I bet they only had one kid, she looks more butch than he does....
(5 years and 3717 days ago)the whites are excellent considering the condition of the original shot. The skin tone is not so good, it doesn't look real. The rug is good, and the wall is not too bad, although I would not have chosen this color for it.
(5 years and 3717 days ago)good effort, good luck
(5 years and 3717 days ago)in hi res, this is oof..........also, imo, because of the profuse amount of green, the bug is lost a little...
(5 years and 3717 days ago)magnificent...............
...........this is what I was looking for when I suggested this contest............this and a few others like it here..............superb.
(5 years and 3717 days ago)lol....good thinking author...........but, you mean to tell me, you live in a completely bug free environment...........how lucky is that, or not, as the case may be...........
(5 years and 3717 days ago)excellent capture all the same.....the detail on the abdomen is great, well done and good luck
(5 years and 3717 days ago)good effort, good luck
(5 years and 3717 days ago)you can shoot like this as an absolute beginner, you will go a long way.......just think a little more about composition when shooting. ....have a look for 'the rule of thirds' on the internet, it will help you..........you may well find a tutorial here on pxl...welcome and good luck.
(5 years and 3717 days ago)just as I said they do....nice shooting btw !
(5 years and 3717 days ago)great shot of an ugly mother.............lol. I like the hi res too........good luck
(5 years and 3717 days ago)excellent catch.......... the hi res is superb. good luck.
(5 years and 3717 days ago)waldo, be careful with your accussations............you rubbed people the wrong way once before! This looks real enough to me, These unusual clouds are called lenticular clouds because of their lens-like shape and they tend to form at high altitudes, normally aligned at right-angles to the wind direction. They have often been mistaken for UFOs in the past, due to their odd shape.
(5 years and 3717 days ago)two same and one different!
(5 years and 3717 days ago)I think the coloring job is pretty good, it still that older feel to it though.
(5 years and 3717 days ago)a little dark...
(5 years and 3717 days ago)excellent capture author...........good luck.
(5 years and 3717 days ago)good catch.........don't they look cute and cuddly close up.....lol
(5 years and 3717 days ago)nice hallway, but where is the symmetry, not including the rug that is...
(5 years and 3717 days ago)did we not see this one recently, or was it BC?
(5 years and 3718 days ago)yes, I agree with mellanieb.........I think the lines created by this would make this a stunning entry.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)nice interpretation of the theme, well executed, well done.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)very tasty, but the lighting is a little harsh..........it could use some sort of diffusion to soften it a little...this would spread the light a little, and also kill off the hard shadow behind.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)sometimes, simple is best..............well done.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)I agree, this is a busy shot..........
(5 years and 3718 days ago)sorry, it is good catch, but I agree with the flash comment from Jaws..
(5 years and 3718 days ago)I think what the goal is suggesting is that you take an old 'damaged' photo, repair it, then color it...although, the wording does actually say....' - take something old or even damaged'......that does not say to me that 'damaged' is compulsory!!!
(5 years and 3718 days ago)excellent restoration work...........have fun coloring it.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)great catch...........but I would say this is more 'close up' than 'macro'........
(5 years and 3718 days ago)this would have had more impact, if the stopper appeared to be hanging....otherwise, this an upside down shot of a part filled bottle.....!
(5 years and 3718 days ago)beautiful shot..........The only improvement, imo, would be to crop out the 'bright' section of wall at top right
(5 years and 3718 days ago)excellent effort............good luck.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)you see Dimitri...I am not the only one who reveres your work............what Have I been telling you my friend................The best camera on the market in the wrong hands is just junk!!!!
(5 years and 3718 days ago)sorry author, this is a cool shot, but............'Pick your favourite colour, choose a flat surface and put three objects of your choice on it. The objects must have the same colour.'..........................have another go, you have time
(5 years and 3718 days ago)good effort.....go try again, you have time....
(5 years and 3718 days ago)thanx, only asking, you don't mind do you....
..........I knew it wasn't photoshop!..........
(5 years and 3718 days ago)imo, this is close up, not macro......good effort though.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)pity, this could have been a good shot with a little more effort. The highlights are blown, and so a lot of the detail is gone.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)outstanding............well done author.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)fabulous work, good luck.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)good shooting...........good luck
(5 years and 3718 days ago)should have come to me, I gave a load of bugs away last week........lol........the 2nd one looks pi55ed....lol
(5 years and 3718 days ago)mmm......a magnetic personality you have......lol
(5 years and 3718 days ago)ah, we are much more friendly here..............well, most of us.....
(5 years and 3718 days ago)mmm, there now seems to be a trend for shooting up thru pylons such as this.......lol.............I was about to shout at you for stealing my pictures.....
(5 years and 3718 days ago)fantastic work............it would have been nice to see a few more intermediate steps along the way to this.
(5 years and 3718 days ago)