3376 comments given:
avatar adeincyprus

nice work...........

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

purple twirl
avatar adeincyprus

excellent timing. nicely shot author, well done.

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

House of the Rising Sun
avatar adeincyprus

nice hat!!

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

Purple hat
avatar adeincyprus

I am in love with your eyes.........beautiful!!!......xxx................

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

Dreamy Purple
avatar adeincyprus

I like the angle used here......well done.

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

a little more thought on the bg for this would have improved the picture, and I think the flash is a little bright......imo

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

gorilla pod
avatar adeincyprus

do you need to remove the date stamp here.........?

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

those stars are very bright, which ones are they?

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

scrabble is your hobby!..........different............do you play for competition

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

good idea......well done.

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

A hobby for these tough times
avatar adeincyprus

fly fishing................I like to watch this, but I can't do it.......

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

Fishing ...
avatar adeincyprus

which christmas.........lol

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

Pole Dancing
avatar adeincyprus

just how big is this bird...............!!

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

This would make a lovely painting, as well as a superb picture just as it is!

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

we have a ship like this here where I live.......it has been named the Black Pearl...........

(5 years and 3794 days ago)

Out to sea
avatar adeincyprus

nice shot, where was it taken......

(5 years and 3795 days ago)

Out to sea
avatar adeincyprus

nice shooting of the subject, but I agree, the angle is not right, a serene location like this does not warrant such an acute use of angles

(5 years and 3796 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus

good, but might have been better without the large oof lump in the fg!

(5 years and 3796 days ago)

A little place
avatar adeincyprus

nice shooting...........great colors!

(5 years and 3796 days ago)

Rasin River Autumn