Lip Gloss Bite

For: glossy lips contest
Created with pencil, colored pencil, marker and ink. Created with no outside sources. Groovy, baby.
For: flower power contest
Entry was created with pencil, colored pencil, pen and marker overlay. Member is ORY, comprised of using the reference image as a guide and added a bow tie, suit jacket, facial hair, and monocle, indeed.
Entry was created with pencil, marker, and pen. No outside sources were used, just my imagination. :)
For: vampires contest
Entry created with no outside sources. Only used eraser, and numerous sized basic hard brush.
This was originally made for an earlier entry about electronics... but unfortunately I wasn't able to upload it in time... so why put it to waste? Created with my intuos4 wacom tablet. Drawing was done with my gameboy color in front of me as a source. (the only difference was mine was red and...
For: dd dazzle contest
Entry was completed with markers, colored pencil, and pencil. Also, Thanks to Daragh, digitalsextant, BadCat13, Keith Roper, and Chris Ruggles for Source Images via Flickr.
A cartoon-y owl, with big googly eyes. Digital Drawing, my first. :)
For: owls dd contest
Decorated letter A. Work is done with ink pen, marker, and colored pencil.
For: decorated initials td contest