El Chupacabra - The Goat Sucker

For: folklore myths and legends contest
For: folklore myths and legends contest
For: ps tournament 2 round 2 contest
Went with Option 1. Thanks to 001099 from sxc.hu for the butterfly image. Thanks to falln-brushes from DeviantArt for the smoke brushes.
For: the attic contest
@Lamantine: Original size of my manip is 3500 x 4950px, resolution 300dpi. I would suggest to place the cover text between the butterfly and the butterfly's shadow. The following is written on the media-militia website: "All of our resources are free for personal and commercial use."
For: the attic contest
Source only used
For: hurrican attraction contest
Just having fun with color and water...hope you enjoy!
For: killer frog contest
Dodge and burn contest: Goal: Make a square canvas with a grey background and create an image using dodge, burn, and smudge tools only. You can only use these tools, but it is allowed to use external references to base your work on. If you do, don't forget to mention them in your sources or SBS g...
For: old contests contest
Source and ps.
For: reading girl contest
Thanks to http://eirian-stock.deviantart.com/art/Bluebell-Dress-III-116870207 and Elrhan (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1201108) Both have been notified.
The eggs are made from the sourceimage. Just cut them in an oval form and using the patch tool i eliminated the parts with the hay. The girl is sitting on the nest...as she is the one to make the eggs...funny..i know...so...more in SBS. Enjoy! credits and thanks: http://faestock.deviantart.com ht...
For: nest eggs contest
The old one...
For: mazes contest
For: poppie field contest
credit to mjranum-stock from DA for the stunning image of the woman. Please have your "Mature Content Filter" set to OFF, on DA to see the image of the woman.
For: lace contest
You can find everything in the SBS. Feedback is highly appreciated. Cheers!
For: shiny tuba contest
i also wassnt shure if it could be of theme, didn´t really got the meaning of the theme as i started. i see alot of issues left,but i like it to much to not poste it. i hope you like it too just painted, no other source than her preference http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&...
For: sosia mania contest
Created from scratch using reference http://www.pxleyes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=61&start=180 Inspire by awesome works from great artist here, I decided to lets try some drawing and illustration. It is atleast very difficult for me during painting to change opacity, hardness, color...
For: sosia mania contest
Thought again to make a fantasy scene :P Used the perspective transformation tool to posionate the water a bit lower. The rainbow is made usind the special gradient option set on overlay and on rainbow style. I cut of the ball using the patch tool. The rest is made with blending options, contrast to...
For: polo ball contest
I used parts of the source image to reconstruct the two characters based on the initial dolls image presented as source number 1. I added shadows/highlights using different grey brushes and I colored some parts of the two characters. I have created the moon and the land out of the top bread in the...
For: bread stack contest
Perseus decapitated Medusa using athens' shield to protect from her magic; Medusa would turn into stone anyone who stared at her eyes, covering himself with the shield, perseus was able to reach medusa and cut her head off... ---------------------------- The girl source is from an old contest ...
For: greek gods contest
Tools I've used: color filter, blending options, erase tool, dodge and burn tool, gradient tool. Enjoy! credits and thanks: http://fetishfaerie-stock.deviantart.com
it was really hard to think of something original and at the same time to fit the poppies in the image. in the end, i thought that creating a nice contrast with the red will be a good choice. my new graphic tablet was very useful in order to make the shadows and the lightings. Enjoy! PS in the SB...
For: poppie field contest