Warped And Decomissioned

For: garage doors contest
For: garage doors contest
Checking wheat stand.
For: farm country contest
For: sea shells contest
For: blue bicycle contest
all source and PS7
For: corn closeup contest
check high res before voting! comments and critiques are always welcome! Thank you! *sbs will be posted today.
For: street pawn contest
only source used along with my own source image for the ground cover and partical smoke ps brushes.
For: street pawn contest
Stickers from my past
For: stickers contest
I used cornstarch to thicken the coffee so I could draw with it.
At the risk of being starting some controversy over this I will explain: These are actual members of our Fire/Rescue Search And Rescue (SAR) team. They are "employed" by our department the same way Police K9 dogs are for the police. They are in uniform and ready for work.
For: uniforms contest
'ave you got the time? inspired by stanley kubrick's "A clockwork Orange" which i found suiting to the topic at hand.
My own arm.
For: impact contest
Dodge and burn contest: Goal: Make a square canvas with a grey background and create an image using dodge, burn, and smudge tools only. You can only use these tools, but it is allowed to use external references to base your work on. If you do, don't forget to mention them in your sources or SBS g...
For: old contests contest
I wasn't a member here when this contest was going on, so i found the tutorial and followed it. WOW what fun! brushes from annika von holdt "the flowers of evil"
For: old contests contest
only source and photoshop cs4 program used
For: iron sun contest
Cloud poking up over a hilltop
For: cloud shapes contest