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Congratulations on an excellent entry ... such a lovely image.
(5 years and 3405 days ago)As I cannot edit my last comment I think I should clarify ... I do not think that the image is "funny" just where the conversation went! Silly me!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)A very precious kitten! Love it!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Lovely work and she is wonderful. Definitely one of my favs for this competition!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Lovely work and very well chosen subject. Definitely draws the viewer in ... GREAT composition!

(5 years and 3406 days ago)Just a comment on the wings. As if you haven't heard enough. The original source actually has two wings it is just that at the angle she is sitting you cannot see the 2nd wing. This happens sometimes ... I have hundreds of photo's of birds with (what appears) only 1 wing!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)I did not see it before you added the second wing (wish I had, it would be nice to compare) but just thought a little support in that area might be appreciated.
I think, sometimes, especially with magical images, there has to be some artistic license. Not that I am faulting the critiques (they are all well thought out and presented) but it is nice just to sit back and enjoy an image as it stands; try to appreciate it and visualize it as the artist did when creating the piece. It is nice to let go of the rules and fly ... sometimes!
Fairytale worthy and well crafted piece. Good work!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Love the whole image ... your Mushroom guy is wonderful and I noticed him and got the whole feeling of coming home. The atmosphere you have created with a few mushrooms and some magical lighting is ... well, magical! Extremely excellent work!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Wait a minute ... okay,now that I've stopped laughing ... wonderful and great humour! Gotta love the buttshroom!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Delicate and detailed image. Would love to have seen it larger as the hi res wasn't enough for me to get all the detail that I think is there. Still worthy of hi points!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Lovely ... excellent lighting.
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Stunning, mysterious and well crafted. Lovely image and a fav for me!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Who ... are ... you ... to create such a wonderful (pun alert) image as this! Just love the whole thing ... your lighting is great ... feels like being in another world ... down a rabbit hole perhaps?
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Great idea ... makes me hungry ... mmmmmm, time for a burger!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)ROFL ... that is just too funny an image! I could make a vague reference about bricks at this point but don't think it is allowed ... wink, wink, nudge, nudge!
(5 years and 3406 days ago)Very creepy ... in hi res the teeth are very mean. Great work!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Great work ... has an evil, creepy feel to it!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Stunning and clever and an amazing amount of work. Beautiful! I also gave this image a shot and gave up. Bravo author ... love this!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)All entrants in this contest get my extreme respect and praise for imagination and creativity!
Fascinating! Lovely image and beautifully done!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Love the glow from the cracks and the overall impact. This piece caught me even without the hi res ... in hi res it is even better!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Stunning work ... love his feet! I agree about hi res ... definately worth the time to see him in his full glory! Hi points and fav for me!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Good concept.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Great mood capture on this. The colour and the atmosphere is very bewitching and haunting but not in a scary way! GL
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Creepy! Truly creepy. Good work!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)A Rambeetle! Wow ... very crazy guy ... put a smile on my face!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Very cool!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Lovely work ... the sense of him (her?) reaching out for the flower is very touching. Hard to make a skeleton "touching" ... well done.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Felicitations and such on First place ... in my opinion it was inevitable!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Lovely work ... has a very peaceful feel.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Wow ... amazing, surrealistic image. Love the imagination behind this! Stupendous work.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Interesting mood!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Lovely work. Difficult to get the proportion correct when changing it like this. Bravo! It is a really lovely image. The horse has such a regal and elegant look to it now!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Great idea and nice improvements ... it is a wonderful concept. Your creativity and willingness to learn is impressive. Bravo!!!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)I sort of like the desaturation ... It gives the image an almost surreal look. And the horse looks tired. This image has quite a mood to it. Good work!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Very lovely ... the sense of whimsy you have captured is very good. And there is a feeling of movement and flight as well. Excellent job!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)He looks so sad ... you have really given him a personality!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Love the way the alligator is eyeballing the kid! And he is so oblivious! Great work and so realistic.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)LOL ... the only thing missing is a sharks fin! Very clever.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Truly terrifying ...the scariest thing is that there is probably somewhere in the world were this could happen. If I were that girl I would stay up there! Great!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)An amazing amount of work on this ... cute little guy!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Took me a while to figure it out ... the two little guys at the front are the Robots! Right? They are very cute ... I might suggest toning down the background only because it takes away from your little Robots! It is a nice backdrop but not the best (I think) for this idea.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Love the 2 little guys ... they look like they are dancing!
Well done ... best in Hi res, almost missed the person inside and that makes it even better!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)It was hilarious ... as I scrolled onto this image I felt my whole table move! Great work and movement!!! Bravo!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Love the expression on the face.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)My only critique would be to caution against over use of the smudge tool. I know the temptation is great )it is one of my favourite tools) but you have to be careful as sometimes the end result can look "worked". Try the liquefy tool and if you have it the Puppet warp is good. I am hopeless at drawing but if you can learn the trick to blending colours carefully you can get a similar but more refined effect as with the smudge tool.
All in all ... I love what you have created. Very fun creature and love the colours!
Truly spectacular and lovely image ... would be wonderful framed and in a babies room! Excellent and creative work ... and you have to love the hearts!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Love the attention you have paid to the detail ... like the picture of Amelia on the wall and the goggles are perfect. Great work!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Looks like a cross between a Praying Mantis and a firefly! Umm... I guess that is why you called it Robomantis (silly me)!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Great story Emik! I would love to see one in person ... but not sure if I want it to hiss at me!
Is it a tractor, is it a steam roller, is it a submarine ... no it is Super Rivet Runner! Great! What a wonderful creation.
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Good creation! He looks like he is challenging the moon! Very Don Quixote-ish!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)Definitely works in hi res ... I agree with you author! Love the concept and I think there is a great story here ... I would hate to have him rolling down the tracks after me! I can just imagine a girl tied to the tracks in front of him ... anyone ever heard about The Perils of Pauline!
(5 years and 3407 days ago)