Thorn Snake
For: manuka contest
Rural closed window image here:
For: smurfs contest
I'm really sorry for the SBS, I have only several minutes left to submit my work so I can't do anything better. Basically, this entry was made by digital painting with some external sources as I mentioned.
For: kavia bowl contest
This creature and the experiment tube were made using the image source. Thanks to Paulus62 for the pic of the rocks.
For: kavia bowl contest
For: sea monsters contest
Credits to valentine-FOV-Stock, Obsidian Dawn
For: carved contest
fanaticartsstock- jeroen belen- joseph- Mauricio Montiel- Thanks a lot for the images that i used for this entry. Also big thanks to CG Textures and...
For: flying dog contest
only source image used please see the sbs... :)
For: cheeseburger contest
Made edits to moon as many have suggested.
For: day to night contest
For: decorated initials td contest
For: carved contest
"He killed his lover for the Red rum"
For: palindromes contest
Primary source is my own photo (step 1) Update: Front lantern was brightened. (Thanks, Androla!)
For: day to night contest
source only Edit: some details are only visible in the high res
For: reflections contest
This personal photo is the early work of a photographer friend of mine (authorization to use is in SBS). I acknowledge that the original is somewhat grainy - this is not a reflection on the photographer, but my using a lower resolution online version of his great capture!
Imagine the disappointment. All those hours of practice, looking forward to a chance to perform with the town orchestra for the whole town at the concert in the park. Except, it was last night... Thank you to Marcus Ranum at for the image of the girl. The background is a composite ...
For: white gazebo contest
credits to -
For: mask contest
Credits to NefaroStock biewoef wookiestock
For: train tracks contest
Credits to: night-fate-stock denimlsMyBoy foxStox pavasaris
For: directions contest