The Long Walk

Taken at Shorepine Bog Trail, Pacific Rim National Park, Tofino, BC. Did a little HDR and colour work but the location is very grey except for the brush. Best viewed in Hi-res but you already knew that.
Taken at Shorepine Bog Trail, Pacific Rim National Park, Tofino, BC. Did a little HDR and colour work but the location is very grey except for the brush. Best viewed in Hi-res but you already knew that.
Taken in an area very close to the city ... it is an old fishing village on a Slough at the mouth of the river. Fascinating place to photograph!
For: abandoned buildings 3 contest
This was fun, the hardest part was narrowing it down so many options! It's nice to be back!
For: beatles song titles contest
This is the closest I get to a self-portrait. Having fun at the Aquarium and caught myself along with some Jelly fish :D
North Head Lighthouse, Disappointment State Park, Washington. The Lighthouse was almost hidden in fog but 300 meters from the shore it was a hot, sunny day!
For: out of dark contest
For: out of dark contest
A different view ... high res is better for this one :D
For: flight 2 contest
Chased this guy for quite a while hoping he would come into the light. This is the best it got. The patch on his collected pollen, he was a very busy bee.
Wandering the halls and arches at the Convent of San Bernardino (Yucatan, Mexico) was an amazing experience. The whole inside is painted a pinkish russet colour which changes depending on the light. It literally seems to glow, especially when the sun hits the central court. It is a strange, mystical...
For: archways contest
From a gate in Scotland
For: gates contest
Vermillion Lake Park, South Dakota. The night before a big wind storm (winds up to 80mph).
For: sunsets contest
When I took this photo it reminded me of first few lines in the poem The Highway Man by Alfred Noyes: "The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas" Okay I my imagination has taken some poetic license as there is no sea anywhere but ;) Loreena McKennit has done a lovely ver...
For: the moon 2 contest
I waited for a long time for these 2 to settle down enough to get a good shot of them both. They were very busy building a nest. Some Sharpening, Level adjust and cropping.
For: birds contest
Water from a drain pipe. In Hi Res you can see tiny white lines from the splashing water.
From our last camping trip of the season.
A rain puddle full of leaves. This one had not been drowned yet; sadly another downpour and it to would succumb.
For: rain puddles contest
It is way too blurry and noisy to be considered a good photo but I have always felt there was something in this picture that spoke to me.
Blurry and way too much zoom. Just loved the feeling of flight.
I was reading Interview With a Vampire and was in New Orleans! I discovered this display in a store window one night. It looked so much like what I imagined the Doll that Lestat gave Claudia I could almost feel him breathing down my neck. The whole scene was very haunting (to me), so even with the l...
Never knew that Candy Canes grew on trees! ( I had no tripod so moved the camera not knowing what I would get. The candy cane tree was the result)
Used a low setting on my flash to aid this shot.
No artificial lighting, just a tiny ray of sunlight. Edit: Changed to other part of the same scene. Less berries, more water.