290 comments given:
avatar arkncheeze

You should tweak the reflection a bit... Looks like they are floating... But if you intended to make them look as they are floating then it's okay...

(5 years and 3785 days ago)

Fancy Dinner
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Somehow reminds me of Kill Bill... >.>

(5 years and 3802 days ago)

Owf wif es ed
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LOL... ha ha ha ha ha ha...

(5 years and 3807 days ago)

Bring It On Lady!
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ROFL... carrot man is so lmao...

(5 years and 3816 days ago)

The last 2 warriors
avatar arkncheeze

ROFL Now that's was simple yet exquisite lol... Great job author...

(5 years and 3820 days ago)

answer back
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Love those eyes...

(5 years and 3820 days ago)

Baabaa Black Sheep
avatar arkncheeze

Aww now it's not a stalemate anymore... I liked the previous one better... This one fine as well( I already had cast my vote, so doesn't matter)... However instead of removing that knight you could have done an another thing...

But no need to edit it anymore, cause too much editing can ruin the feel of the picture... Just saying this so you can apply this to an another image...

Instead of removing that horse rider, you could have blurred him a bit and also blur the background( blur the background more than you blur the horse rider in the back...)

And then you could have blurred the horse rider in the front as well... This would have created a nice dof and more focus would have been drawn to those two swordsman on the ground...

As I said no need to edit it anymore... Was just giving an example...

(5 years and 3822 days ago)

Kings and Knights
avatar arkncheeze

LOL... I kinda find the whole scene funny... However the knights fighting on the bridge might need some shadow below their feet...

Also the knight on the right( in the bridge) need some masking between his arm...

Edit: Ahhhhh.. A stalemate... Nice... And the pic looks better now...

(5 years and 3823 days ago)

Kings and Knights
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Now that will be really big and smelly fart lmao... I could say lighten up the smoke a bit... But it does contribute to image, so leave it as it is...

p.s. Should have included humor bar...

(5 years and 3827 days ago)

avatar arkncheeze

Missed masking, hmmmm... I compared the contest source, the outer source and the entry... I think that is not missed masking rather the reflection of the rock of the outer source... I matched the position and shape of the reflection with the supposedly missed masking and it matches... So no missed masking... But author should clarify...

(Guess I had nothing better to do lol)...

(5 years and 3827 days ago)

One Evening at a Lake
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Rip Van Alpaca... >.>

(5 years and 3827 days ago)

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Nice but howerver tilted maybe the glass, the water line should stay horizontal, not slanted as in this case...

(5 years and 3827 days ago)

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I agree with Akassa... Color of blood is okay, but looks like paint... Needs to look more viscous... Try bevel n emboss, I mean try playing with bevel and emboss.. Also as blood begins to dry and harden, there will be kinda like a bump at the end of the blood flow... But you got the expression well...

(5 years and 3828 days ago)

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If that planet is suppose to be earth( which I think is) and earth's 3/4 surface is covered by water that image would make pretty much sense... Anyway good image...

Also thanks to global warming sea level is rising slowly but surely... >.>

(5 years and 3828 days ago)

Blast Off
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Would have nice to see a high res... Anyways nice work... Although the glass outside the frame is supposed to be transperent right... However I can't really make it out in the small res...

(5 years and 3828 days ago)

open windows
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Maybe those petal are injected with super regenerative serum... Even though if it plucked out from the plant, the petals regenerates at hyper speed Or maybe its magic... Well putting aside my comedic attempt( and the glitches), I find the image to be nice...

Edit: Lol had to be you author... Ha ha ha ha gotcha author... Losing 14 petals and still having lots of petal... That daisy sure have lots of petals... XD

(5 years and 3828 days ago)

Petals of Greed
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The flower is there... I can see it... Works for me... It's like seeing a small dot on a white wall, but it helps in improving concentration( it is a compliment author )...

(5 years and 3829 days ago)

Flower of Carnage
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I donnu, but won' the iris( or cornea, actually I forgot the proper term) catch the reflection of the dropper at that close range... Just curious...

Well I do get your concept of filling his/ her( can't make out the gender) eyes with fish with a dropper and it became something like a pond, river or sea... But don't the surface of these also have reflection???

Edit: wow.. and they looked like another batch of fish swimming there... that sure fooled me lol

(5 years and 3829 days ago)

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ahh... had the same idea... to make it like those clay soldiers... so now have to think of something else...

(5 years and 3830 days ago)

chinese dolls battalion
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Contd. Also not a biggie and the cover will be folded as well( a personal perference)... The face in the cover should have extended to the back cover as well... Coz would have fitted the flow of your cover better... But still a cool album( afterall blue is cool)...

(5 years and 3830 days ago)

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Cool... I love your color scheme... Actually I love images that are in greyscale with hint of some color... The thing about album covers is that you can create as you want... There are no hard and fast rule as to "you must put album name here", "put song list in this way" etc etc... However how whacky or cool looking the song list is, It must be at least 70% clear to look at... Your song list is good, although the song title "What ever it takes" is somehow hard to read... Mind you, I said hard to read, not unreadable...

(5 years and 3830 days ago)

avatar arkncheeze

Hmmm... Blended... Nice take on the theme...

(5 years and 3830 days ago)

Help me!
avatar arkncheeze

Neat... I had those kind of aquarium widgets for my cell phone... Only one thing, the perspective of the the feed fish button is really off... See the other button...

(5 years and 3830 days ago)

Fishtank App
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Blur the foreground and sharpen the Halo planet... Will be clear than... Also If you can, use soft focus creatively to put more focus on that ring planet, just don't overdo it... Maybe add lights to the ring or perhaps not... Just a suggestion...

Edit: You can also tilt that apparatus in the top right corner of the image a few 10 degree upwards and pull it back a bit...

Also move the spaceman to the left and flip him horizontally if you want coz if you flip him you may have to adjust his lightning I guess...

(5 years and 3831 days ago)

avatar arkncheeze

Just like the name bow saw XD... Coolness

(5 years and 3831 days ago)

My new Bow saw
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Cool... Can you tell me some site where I can get info on how to use lightwave... I want to learn lightwave myself... Again, nice entry

edit: I did google, but mostly I find advance tut... I need basic guide as to know the whole structure of the software... I know there are books but want recommendations as not to waste time reading several at once...

(5 years and 3831 days ago)

Orbital colonization
avatar arkncheeze

Just brilliant... Simply brilliant... And since Aura gave you 3's I am gonna give you

@aura lol you increased the number of thumbs up

(5 years and 3831 days ago)

Conspiracy Theory.
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He he he... dunno about that... I am a real procrastinator... I really don't know how I finish the entries I submit lol... Only 1 day left... Don't think I will make it lol...

(5 years and 3831 days ago)

Halographic Computers 2029
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Whooooppeeee... Classic UFO... Just what the doctor ordered... Author, you really seems on steroids in this particular contest... But love it... Now all we need are 3D rendered Man In Black to save us lol

edit: i think tne means Tao Nei Eng... Which might be the name of the alien race lol...

(5 years and 3831 days ago)

The Invaders
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Well sarcastically happy it seems... More like giving out an expression like "Heh"... XD cool though...

(5 years and 3832 days ago)

a Happy Man
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Colorful is what I say...

(5 years and 3832 days ago)

colorful creepiness
avatar arkncheeze

Well that was cool... Actually I didn't mind the format... The image before looked better... And also not every cover opens from the front side e.g. in japan it opens from the back side... So your previous version was not wrong if you did it intentionally... Well I am adapted to reading both from left to right and right to left... Same case goes for opening a book or cd in this case... So it doesn't matter to me... Anyway again nice cover

Edit: It's just an suggestion, If you haven't merged your psd file and the sections are movable, don't cut and re arrange... Instead just shift the text...

And it would also different, the whole band at the back cover instead of the front cover... Although you will need clever song placement as not to overlap their faces...

(5 years and 3832 days ago)

Khatryance: Moon Night
avatar arkncheeze

Nice colors... Looks psychedelic... And flower power XD

(5 years and 3833 days ago)

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"Using any 3D creation software, render a scene to do with Space travel. Use your imagination, be original. Detailed step by step guides are mandatory. In this contest, your scenes and models cannot be pre-built... Create your own models and your own textures. Everything has to be made by yourself, shown clearly in a step by step guide! Good luck"

@dka120 Well I too had that doubt but I didn't give it much thought... Coz as seen in the guideline, says "scenes and models cannot be pre-built"... And it also says "Create your own models and your own textures"...

However it doesn't say anything about "you cannot use outside texture"... Well even pro use outside texture and some even create texture from pre-existing textures... Ahh well will be better if mod clarify on this... Coz guides can be interpreted in different ways by different people...

Also this is the first time 3D specialized contest is being held... So can let go the first time... Just my humble opinion...

(5 years and 3833 days ago)

Resistance is futile
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He he he... I had a similar idea... But still I will try doing it... Even if the concept is same, my suppose to be final image is quite different... Hope you won't mind

Anyways kudos on this concept...

(5 years and 3833 days ago)

Halographic Computers 2029
avatar arkncheeze

Hey... Now that's cool... There maybe some quirks here... But doesn't matter to me... Again nice pics...

Edit: Scratch that thought... I think I saw something else lol...

(5 years and 3833 days ago)

avatar arkncheeze

Help... Run for your life... The borgs are coming... Or better use an rather overused phrase "Beam me up, Scotty!!!!" lol... Cool pix...

(5 years and 3833 days ago)

Resistance is futile
avatar arkncheeze

NIce... Looks good, esp. the crown...

(5 years and 3833 days ago)

Jungle book
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Cool... Btw whats the actual size of the high res in inches??? Just curios, the high res is cool in fact and the text doesn't looks blurry at all in high res... But however in small size it might become unreadable... But who the hell tries to read song name from a album from 10 feet far away... Most common and optimum distance is 15 to 30 cm... Other than the blur issue in small res... This is neat...

(5 years and 3834 days ago)

Literally mistake...
avatar arkncheeze

Simple yet outstanding love this...

(5 years and 3834 days ago)

"Il Circo" - a tale
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"You can either come up with a fictional rockband, or use a real rockband. If you decide to make an album cover for an existing rockband, you cannot use any elements from previous albums. Only the bands logo can be used."

Yes you can use the real name and also their logo/tm as well...

(5 years and 3834 days ago)

avatar arkncheeze

Cool... It cuts well, doesn't it??? Nice render and textures...

(5 years and 3835 days ago)

Just a couple of tools
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I guess pxleyes should make an another guideline for info about what software can be said to be pure 3d software... I do admit with the author thought that illustrator has decent decent ability( although I dunno how to make a sphere with the 3d extrude tool ) and is used in conjunction with many pure 3D software...

Edit: Ummm why the hell my comments are getting cut... Is there some text limit to comments... Whenever I write a long comment it gets cut... Anyways what I wanted to say was pxleyes needs to improve the description given for contest esp the theme contest...

I hate seeing contest getting removed due to misinformation or misunderstanding...

(5 years and 3835 days ago)

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Oh well, without yin there is no yang and likewise... yin and yang need each other...

Edit: Btw the way cool render... 3D modeling is real tough when you try make stuff other than primitive shape... I am trying to learn lightwave and it is kicking my rear end lmao...

More edit: I am not an expert or whatever... But maybe there might be some optical illusion that happens due to the positions of certain space in a 2d or 3d space... e. g. there is an well know basic optical illusion where 2 parallel line of the exact line... One line has outward arrow at both it's edges and the other has inward arrow.... so when view they look like they are of different length... Anyways I may be wrong... But the image rock as hell

(5 years and 3835 days ago)

H.M.S. Bounty
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Neat... You have recreated the mascot "Eddie" pretty well... Love the glow in his eyes...

(5 years and 3835 days ago)

Friday night fever
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cool image... I am not so sure about the tunnel light to be that strong to have create silhouette that dark... Also the surrounding might reflect some light as well... But hell I have never been in such tunnel nor have i ever seen a band perform or people at that angle in a tunnel... Don't change anything though... It looks cool...

(5 years and 3836 days ago)

Tunnel Concert
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rofl... And I thought this was those side ad that pxleyes show lol... good job

(5 years and 3837 days ago)

Mini Computer
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lol... I had something similar in my mind... lol this is really cool... And I really love that title... "Ground Control to Major Tom... Your circuits dead... There Something Wrong... Can you Hear me Major Tom... "

(5 years and 3837 days ago)

Houston, we are staying here!
avatar arkncheeze

Awesome... The fact that it is rough really has it charm... Really good drawn...

(5 years and 3837 days ago)

winged beauty & a death stare
avatar arkncheeze

god damn you and your entries... they make me laugh right away... lol

(5 years and 3838 days ago)