Red Legged Hopper

Used source image and photoshop
For: totems contest
I didn't have much time for this, so my sbs isn't that great.. Hope you like :)
Thanks for creative commons useage from Washington & Jefferson College >>>>>> and from john curley>>>>
For: robopets contest
mountains brushes - JavierZhX
Selections, fills, filters, Transform tool, Dodge / Burn, Liquify - warp. Some of the suggested elements for this contest. No brush or painting used at all. Just an old PS program that I still have. Anemonae desaturated and lowered brightness. Fish, one of them, burned more lines to make it d...
For: no painting contest
Only Photoshop used
For: no painting contest
Work done with a mixed blends. Thanks to Terri Heisele The sea is my stock.
For: heading out contest
Matthew 17:20 And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Note: Entry edi...
For: heading out contest
This took pretty much all weekend. A LOT of hours, but the further I got into it the more I was liking it, so I just kept going and going! Finding new places that I thought there needed to be feathers and so on. It was a ton of fun to make, hope you all enjoy it :)
For: new species contest
For: watch gears contest
No outside source.
For: hot rod contest
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, no sources references
First idea that came to my twisted mind was an orange with magic circle around it. Then, I began to draw another things beside that initial ideas, so the final images grew outside my early imagination... Fantasy Theme always brings imaginative things comes into play. So there will be no questioni...
For: biker girl contest
simple filter work with stroke blending (inside) added text
For: comics contest
Used photoshop and one additional source from PxlEyes stock. Thank you Kphinney for the nice portrait.
For: salt contest
Clone stamp rules!!!! Thanks to: Lisajen-Stock:
For: backview contest