210 comments given:
avatar athousandwords

Love lightning storms! This is beautiful with the reflections in the water.

(5 years and 3509 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

This is a magnificent photo. I live in Northern Minnesota and have seen my share of blizzards. You have masterfully captured the desolate mood and pure beauty of a genuine winter snow storm. Well done!

(5 years and 3509 days ago)

Really White Christmas
avatar athousandwords

looks like a dolphin mummy hanging from a ceiling...

(5 years and 3511 days ago)

What Why How
avatar athousandwords

This one cracks me up! Great moment!

(5 years and 3514 days ago)

Tiring work
avatar athousandwords

Awww! Really sweet moment captured.

(5 years and 3514 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

I love this moment captured. What a precious and poingent memory for the family.

(5 years and 3514 days ago)

A Helping Hand
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(5 years and 3514 days ago)

outer space?
avatar athousandwords

You have captured a very pretty scene, stunning.

(5 years and 3515 days ago)

Kite at Sun Set
avatar athousandwords

beautifully soft and romantic.

(5 years and 3515 days ago)

Around the Bend
avatar athousandwords

so cool! I love it!

(5 years and 3515 days ago)

London Underground...
avatar athousandwords

It reminds me of a dancer's twirling ribbons. It is really quite beautiful.

(5 years and 3526 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

A very good shot of him and I agree with you... they are a menace!

(5 years and 3540 days ago)

Tree-Rat (aka Squirrell)
avatar athousandwords

Wonderful mystique!

(5 years and 3540 days ago)

Goldfinger (updated)
avatar athousandwords

I think you framed this nicely. I like how her make up leads my gaze right into her expressive eye.

(5 years and 3540 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

Lots of school spirit! Fun photo

(5 years and 3540 days ago)

matching graduation
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(5 years and 3540 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

She is so beautiful

(5 years and 3540 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

ooooo! I like that. Very sinister looking.

(5 years and 3551 days ago)

Night street
avatar athousandwords

What a unique space you have. Nice place and photo.

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

At first glance this looks like an image of a "house" from a magazine but upon closer inspection I find lots of elements of a "home". The envelope, the donuts and dish cloth, the shoes... all the details that give it a warm and welcoming feel.

(5 years and 3556 days ago)

Kitchen and Dining area
avatar athousandwords

I like the angle and tone of this. Your title is very good too

(5 years and 3559 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

This is a masterful image... poetic. I really like it

(5 years and 3567 days ago)

The Fight Commences...
avatar athousandwords

Great mood.

(5 years and 3571 days ago)

Slow night.
avatar athousandwords

I like this one

(5 years and 3571 days ago)

cocktail girls
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(5 years and 3572 days ago)

Black Magic
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Gotta be Phil Collins

(5 years and 3583 days ago)

music Business
avatar athousandwords

So pretty!

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

beach ribbons
avatar athousandwords

Love the drill bits. Very cool entry!

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

Drill Bits
avatar athousandwords

good one!

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

Red Hot?
avatar athousandwords

What a great sport! I am too shy to ask to photograph strangers yet so two thumbs up for you just being bold!

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

Introducing Boat Guy
avatar athousandwords

I like this one. The black and white gives it a great mood. Kind of sexy, if pumping gas can be sexy!

(5 years and 3589 days ago)

Pump It Up
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(5 years and 3596 days ago)

Life Imitated
avatar athousandwords

What a doll! I can feel her smile even though I can't see it!

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

First Vacation
avatar athousandwords

This is a beautiful image

(5 years and 3613 days ago)

Warm nights
avatar athousandwords


(5 years and 3622 days ago)

seek and ye shall find.
avatar athousandwords

I can certainly relate!

(5 years and 3624 days ago)

Hate when this happens...
avatar athousandwords

You are correct, it is an emotional entry. I like the cast of the shadows on the walls, very somber and haunting. I am sorry to hear that your are struggling.

(5 years and 3624 days ago)

My Last Resort
avatar athousandwords

Everytime I look at this, I see the "Pepsi" logo in the drops! Nice image.

(5 years and 3627 days ago)

Drop in the Ocean
avatar athousandwords

this is an incredible entry! best of luck

(5 years and 3628 days ago)

Lost words
avatar athousandwords

Hey! You're the "lucky" number 13th entry!

(5 years and 3631 days ago)

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(5 years and 3631 days ago)

Ssshh, don
avatar athousandwords

A beautiful and emotive image.

(5 years and 3632 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

Marvelous entry!

(5 years and 3643 days ago)

Green and Yellow.
avatar athousandwords

This is a nice picture. The tracks lead the eye right around that curve into the sunlight! Well done

(5 years and 3644 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

A favorite for me in this category. What an adorable portrait!

(5 years and 3645 days ago)

Bucket of Baby
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(5 years and 3645 days ago)

Father and son
avatar athousandwords

I actually like the monochromatic look of this one. I like the earthy tones and I like the subject as well. I guess I just really like this one!

(5 years and 3647 days ago)

avatar athousandwords

I like your creativity here. A beautiful image.

(5 years and 3647 days ago)

Day Dreaming of Color
avatar athousandwords

I love this one! Makes me smile

(5 years and 3647 days ago)

Yummy Grass
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(5 years and 3647 days ago)
