145 comments given:
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awediot says:


(5 years and 2272 days ago)

Entry number 91881
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Okay...now, how'd you do it?

(5 years and 2288 days ago)

You turn my world upside-down
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Congrats janoogee!

(5 years and 2289 days ago)

upside down building
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Now there's some color!

(5 years and 2296 days ago)

Looking back at me
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Are those ruby red, slipperless witchy feet I see curled up under a hedge?

Nah...probably not.

(5 years and 2296 days ago)

upside down building
avatar awediot
awediot says:

are...are you, God? ... [guess I'll save my jug playing shot for a more hillbilly theme... Holy WOW sums it up nicely]

(5 years and 2301 days ago)

glorious sound
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Classic... Very warm and homey.

(5 years and 2302 days ago)

Miniatures collection
avatar awediot
awediot says:

A chandelier I take it... How large is this?

(5 years and 2308 days ago)

Enlighten me
avatar awediot
awediot says:


(5 years and 2309 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

How in the world...?

Oh, wait...

(5 years and 2310 days ago)

Insectozoïds planet
avatar awediot
awediot says:


(5 years and 2310 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

Spaghetti Monster no fly??

(5 years and 2314 days ago)

Mister Spag
avatar awediot
awediot says:

The sleeves made it... Proper goth.

(5 years and 2315 days ago)

Alas, poor Yorick...
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Maybe try I Doser > http://www.i-doser.com/?gclid=COXqr4PzgbsCFYs-MgodLVYA3g < mixed with some Winamp vizs, kyricom...

(5 years and 2316 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

I saw it as a garage...flood...SPRING!

>BOAT< house...

Anything that yellow has to have a heart of spring in it somewhere...or...never mind.

(5 years and 2330 days ago)

Lago d
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Ahhh...what they do when we're not looking: http://vimeo.com/26315682

(5 years and 2335 days ago)

I find these birds, quite scary
avatar awediot
awediot says:

What's the story behind this?

(5 years and 2336 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

It's ALL "art"... Close up even. [a 10 for creativity so over the top, it's imperceptible]

(5 years and 2337 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

hmmm...umbrellas...(we'll leave it at that)...a dome, maybe SHAPED umbrella-ish (keeping the rain out) - ??? And a mysterious "CET" as a title...[thinking/dunce cap on...]

(5 years and 2340 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

It'd make a lovely Christmas card...

(5 years and 2344 days ago)

Tin guitar playing angel
avatar awediot
awediot says:

"...or if they are so loosely written then the benefit of the doubt should be given to the photographer. "

Worth repeating...

(5 years and 2345 days ago)

Sweet Ride
avatar awediot
awediot says:

What the expletive?! Steampunk wonderland...sweet.

(5 years and 2345 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

Very cool...

(5 years and 2345 days ago)

Like Ghosts we Matriculate
avatar awediot
awediot says:

My fave...

(5 years and 2347 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

Beautiful...almost too intense for "minimalism" imo tho...

(5 years and 2347 days ago)

Storm Incoming
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Nice comparison (you left handed?)

(5 years and 2347 days ago)

Made-up and Not
avatar awediot
awediot says:

I see kids today with similar, detached from the real world expressions all over the place today, except their gaze glued to glowing pad smart screens... She seems tired of (or maybe just utterly used to him). They seem bored with everything more than a minute old.

(5 years and 2355 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

Nice, subtle representation...

(5 years and 2355 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

You don't give yourself enough credit sometimes frisky (if I may actually call you that out loud )

(5 years and 2359 days ago)

Light & Heavy
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awediot says:

Must be the head laying in the middle of the (road?)

(5 years and 2359 days ago)

avatar awediot
awediot says:

Clearly a Catholic wedding...

(5 years and 2359 days ago)

Black vs White
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Cool... That usually doesn't accomplish as black and white/such a distinction for me... Good work.

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

Feeling Blue
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Can mere members request to see an SBS? (great photo, but how it was achieved w/out selective editing would be a great lesson )

(5 years and 2362 days ago)

Feeling Blue
avatar awediot
awediot says:

I agree -author-; the mod(s) don't... I worded the contest exactly as I wanted it to be - Depict "COLD", in all it's varying forms... A woman shivering would have been on theme as far as I'm concerned... It goes to show the arbitrary (and necessarily so) nature of individual mods judgments.

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

Ice Cap
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Last I checked, snow was made of ice as well...though neither of them actually LOOK like "ice"... (nothing personal)

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

Ice Cap
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Great shot... Not sure I see any ice tho-

(5 years and 2364 days ago)

Ice Cap
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Got Milk?

(5 years and 2370 days ago)

Bulbous Bow
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Blech! - pic is nice, but, yuk. [creamed corn topping?]

(5 years and 2370 days ago)

Shaved Ice Dessert
avatar awediot
awediot says:

DRAMATIC! Real, or a Vegas/Disney thrill show? Awesome either way...

(5 years and 2370 days ago)

No smoke without fire
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Cool! [pun just noticed, and I guess intended ] How were these lit?

(5 years and 2370 days ago)

evening light
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awediot says:

Looks like a castle. Love to see one in real life one day.

(5 years and 2370 days ago)

green cave
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Wild... Love to know how and why such an object came to be.

(5 years and 2370 days ago)

Shriveled to the core
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Excellent... She looks like she owns the place.

(5 years and 2370 days ago)

Fashion of the past
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Very nice... The casualness takes the difficult theme to a new place.

(5 years and 2370 days ago)

Entry number 88998
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Okay...Glad to hear...

(5 years and 2372 days ago)

Days Gone Past
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Beautiful shot ...[but question: is the 'star', be it the product of a lens filter, adding it to the original shot, OR an editing filter within a program...allowed? One or the other? - Just curious...]

(5 years and 2372 days ago)

Days Gone Past
avatar awediot
awediot says:

~primordial... The final spine- "LIKE"

(5 years and 2372 days ago)

after the fire
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awediot says:


(5 years and 2372 days ago)

Good Morning Madeira!
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Something inexplicably appealing about this shot...

(5 years and 2372 days ago)

Bulbous Bow
avatar awediot
awediot says:

Beautiful shot.

(5 years and 2372 days ago)

Window to the Past