
For: cosmic contest
For: everyday abstract contest
For: world of domestic objects contest
For: world of domestic objects contest
...a musical interlude: [Yes: ]
For: circle 2 contest
For: world of domestic objects contest
Rain, then hail, lightening, thunder and more rain...
For: rain contest
For: before and after diptych 2 contest
...yeah, technically fits the rules, but a stretch of what is probably expected. Couldn't resist-and had pieces 'limboed' for less ;)
For: hand held contest
For: numbers contest
For: before and after diptych 2 contest
German, Black Forest C.C. clock.
For: time pieces contest
Other than a bit of de-noising and a minor sharpen, this is exactly how it came from the camera and the thin air. [it was one of those times you almost have to wake the neighbors so they don't miss it.]
For: photo tournament 5 round 1 contest
The heaviest, scariest sky of the summer...
For: photo tournament 5 round 1 contest
For: time pieces contest