Battle ready
For: head dress contest
I feel charming, Oh, so charming It's alarming how charming I feel! And so pretty That I hardly can believe I'm real. (West Side Story)
For: uphill contest
Used one of PxlEyes sources. Thank you very much, Aurash for the beautiful photo:
For: kaleidoscope contest
Thanks to rayand from Flicker for a very awesome model that worked perfect with what I was trying to do
For: black helmet contest
This is my Dog who has the same name as my Avatar.
For: robopets contest
For: pashmina contest
If you can lead a horse to water, why not a lost, thirsty flamingo? Just follow the tracks.
For: mix of three contest
My first thought for this contest was to wake a lightbulb balloon! This just seemed like a very steam punk-ish thing to do so I ran with that :)
For: hot air contest
Thanks to Dave Rogers for the source photo.
For: yellow leaf contest
source and PS
For: yellow leaf contest
IMPACT FONT I created a very generic concept for the t-shirt, figuring the lighting and the travel time would add to the shirts appearance as it travels
For: pxl on tour contest
I have the first alternate design on my SBS. Please feel free to check on it & leave some feedback if you'd like. This was a quick concept I made during my free time. Just want to participate anyway. Btw, I hope this is quite a "Less is More" Shirt-Design. --- Thanks in adv...
For: pxl on tour contest
I made this entry for a contest on deviantart, and i decided to submit it here too.
Thanks to Goblin-Stock, Step-In-Time-Stock and Geek-Stock.
For: bird origami contest
thanks to the following for stock:
For: tilted bulb contest
For: rubber ducks contest
For: tree growth contest
No sources used
For: let it rain contest
My dark style.. Stock + painting.